My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Seven

Hey everyone so for todays post for my health journey I took a different approach rather then just the gym and biking. I decided to take my dog named Duke for a walk around the entire Wascana Lake! This took us about an hour and a half walking at a fairly fast pace.

As mentioned in my first post about my healthy lifestyle journey I did mention that I would like to start incorporating walks into my lifestyle spontaneously throughout the weeks when I have time. I am a firm believer that walking is a great way to stay active as well as great for your mental health. I went for this walk today after work and the gym to help settle my body down and relax for the remainder of night after a fairly long day. Overall I burned over 230 calories and had plenty of steps which I was very content with! My mind as well as my body felt so good afterwards. I will mention as well my dog also was very relaxed after his long workout haha! As he loves to get out and see people and engage in hard walks.

As I am starting to get to the finish line of this journey with all of you. I hope one of the big takeaways from my journey that you all get is that there is no right or wrong way to stay active or stay fit and healthy. it’s all about finding what works for you and works for your body and schedule. That’s why I wanted to show some of the rather simple things such as biking and walking in my journey to show you guys that’s all it really takes is an hour walk or hour bike. To see results in your day to day life. It doesn’t have to be go to the gym five days a week or seven. Mix it up have fun with it!

Down below you will see a photo of my dog named Duke during our walk! He is a sheltie and 9 years old.


2 Replies to “My Healthy Lifestyle Journey Part Seven”

  1. Emily Quibell says: Reply

    Hi, I love that you have started incorporating walks into your days. Like you had mentioned walks have helped my mind fell clear as well! I really like how you said there is no right or wrong way to stay fit. I believe that this is a very powerful thing to say because you are right, there isn’t a correct or not correct way of doing things!

  2. Brayden Lovas says: Reply

    Thank you Emily! I am glad you enjoyed what I had to say and yes I completely agree.

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