To try out a new AI tool I decided to go to Magic School as it really interested me in our lecture. The teacher and student designed site made it super easy to use for so many different applications!
I played around on the website trying out ways to make different quizzes, assignments and lesson plans and I was shocked at how user friendly the tool was. This tool would be great for students and teachers alike for assignments, reflections, marking, planning and studying. The many options this application has also is great for supporting different learning styles as it has many ways to show your learning. It has visual tools, tools to write feedback, skits, music, and much more.
There are some potential issues with using this tool in classroom as how much AI is too much? How do we get to know how much our students truly know if they are using an AI tool? I think a great assignment would be to divide the students in half and get them to each create a presentation on the same topic. I would allow the first group to use AI, and the second group would have to use other resources without any artificial intelligence input. I would do this to show the benefits of using AI but also the downfalls as we would complete a quiz on the topic to show the deeper understanding students who were not able to use any AI for their project.
Overall, Magic School is a great tool for students and educators alike as long as it is used in an appropriate manner.
Hi Brianna! I was super interested in this tool as well when we discussed it in lecture so I’m glad someone explored it more. I like that you brought up using it to differentiate assignments as that is something that I found I struggled with sometimes in my internship, mostly due to the time it takes. It’s nice to know that this tool can potentially alleviate some of that stress during your planning. Even if you have to modify it still from what they give you, it would be super helpful! Thanks for sharing your experience.
Hi Brianna! I didnt decide to use this tool for our post but I also found it really interesting. after reading your post I am definitely going to use this tool
Hi fellow Brian(n)a! Thanks for sharing about Magic School. Honestly I haven’t explored this site much but after reading about your experience, I will be checking it out!
Like some other people commenting on this blog, I also did not try it out although I am really intrigued by it, so I am glad to see your review. I used ChatGPT and now I am curious so see how easy Magic School is in comparison to ChatGPT. Thanks for sharing!
Hey there!
I think that’s an interesting idea for an assignment, have the class split up into using AI tools and not. I wonder how the difference would look.
I have been curious about Magic School since learning about it, thanks for sharing your impressions on it!