How do I say “That’s a Wrap” in ASL?

My journey of learning ASL is far from over, but as our course comes to an end, so does my official learning project.

I chose to learn ASL in an attempt to teach my daughter more signs to be able to communicate with her more effectively. We are now at the toddler stage where she is definitely talking, just not always in English. ASL has been such a great tool in our household to be able to communicate with our now 18 month old!

Learning Project Recap

Learning ASL

  • Outlines my plan on how I will learn ASL and which resources I planned to use
  • Explains my interest in ASL

Week One of ASL

  • Using Baby Einstein videos for my first week of learning
  • Gives a review of the resource

Ms Rachel has Entered the Chat

  • Using Ms Rachel videos for learning ASL
  • A review of the resource
  • How my baby taught me a sign

ABCD and well you know the rest!

  • Using the resource “Learn to Sign”
  • Using “Canva” to make posters to show progress
  • Learning the names of my family

Now I Know My ABC’s

  • Using my first online book source
  • A review on the source
  • A link to a video of me doing the alphabet in ASL

A Portal into New Connections

  • Using TikTok as my learning resource for the first time
  • Learning the basics of conversation
  • A role play video of a conversation

You Are My Sunshine

  • A story on why I chose this song
  • The TikTok I used to learn the song
  • A link to a video of me singing/signing the song
  • A picture of my daughter just for cuteness factor

Yum! ASL Food Signs

  • An entire TikTok page for different food signs
  • A summary of signs learned
  • A quick reference poster made on “Canva”

Blooming with ASL Bloom

  • The first iPhone app I used for the project
  • A review of the app and my learnings
  • Quick reference videos of some signs learned on this app

Let Me Pull Out My Pocket Sign

  • Another app based week
  • A review of the second app
  • A comparison between the two apps

Summary of Project

I had a great time furthering my ASL knowledge. I definitely believe this is a skill I will continue to learn in the future, especially that I now have a second little one on the way and will need every communication skill I can in my house with 2 under 3!

I feel as though as much as I learned about ASL, I learned much more about blogging as a whole. Creating a blog is something that seemed much too difficult for me before starting this class and I am so glad I was able to learn how to blog! Every week I feel as though my posts improved as I was able to experiment and learn new skills within blogging itself. I feel like blogging is a skill I will continue to use as I continue my schooling and further into my career!

One thought on “How do I say “That’s a Wrap” in ASL?

  1. Hey Brianna,
    I enjoyed reading about your journey when it comes to ASL! I also love how you laid out your final post and that you layed out your entire learning project and summed up every week. It makes it easy to go back to and check! Best of luck continuing to use ASL in your every day life!

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