For my second week at Preeceville school, I got to reconnect with the Grade 6 and Grade 2 classes. Grade 6 began with a math class completing a screener for the division, and I got to have my first chance to mark this form of work. I was then on supervision with the grade 2’s, which is the greatest test of time management to be able to have 18 grade 2’s ready to go outside within a limited time span. My day concluded with social studies back in the 6th grade where a final project began. The students were required to form their own groups which was a great representation of invitation and hospitality at work. Each student was able to find a group with minimal guidance and every student was included within a group. It was great to bring the inviting aspect of this week to practice as I reconnected with the classes I got to first meet the first week.
Preeceville school does a great job at creating an inviting and hospitable environment. Each and every classroom presents an inviting environment and the hallways do the same. To begin with, the staff is warm and welcoming to students and community members alike. The bulletin boards lining the halls highlight ways to show respect and anti bullying campaigns which are great ways to facilitate inviting relationships between students.
Creating a sense of community is extremely important within Preeceville school. A large board titled “Look Who’s In The News” highlights students in events around the community. This board brings the community into the school and the school into the community. This board is a simple but effective way to promote community involvement within the school. I am extremely proud to be a part of the community of Preeceville, and these displays of the youth within our town gives me a great sense of pride. Preeceville school does a great job in the invitation and hospitality sector!