Hi! I’m Bridget

Hi! I’m Bridget

Hi! I would like to begin this introductory post by sharing a few facts about myself!

An image of myself. My name is Bridget Maloney and I am just beginning my fourth year in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, working toward my Bachelors of Education focusing on the Elementary years. I am so excited to be entering my final year in the faculty, as becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine from a very young age. After completing my degree I hope to continue my education through taking classes towards my inclusive education certificate.

This past semester I had the opportunity to pre-intern at Arcola Community School in Grade One. The experience I had at Arcola solidified my love for teaching in the primary grades. I am absolutely in love with the excitement each student had to come to school. I would love to continue exploring teaching in the younger years as I begin my career!

Currently I am working at the Autism Resource Centre here in Regina as a support worker. I am working in the adult cooking classes for the next few months, and then will move in to a position at the ARC Summer Program in July! So far, I have been able to see some ways technology is used to assist many of the clients in their day to day lives. I would love to further explore some tools I could use for my students with varying needs in this course. I am looking forward to the experiences I will gain at ARC, learning about many important tools surrounding programming and instruction for students with diverse needs.

I love to spend my free time with my three dogs going on walks, cuddling on the couch, and playing in the back yard! My dogs will be a main focus for many of my Learning Project posts over the course of the semester, as I have decided to work on teaching them some new tricks.

A Picture of one of my dogs
Scout (2) – Great Bernese
A picture of one of my dogs
Apollo (1) – Husky/Shepherd
A picture of one of my dogs
Chex (11) – Lab Mix









I would like to describe myself as pretty good with technology as I have been around it my whole life. My dad has worked in several jobs with his computer science certificate and my brother is a software engineer. So, even when I have difficulties with technology, I have a great support team! In education specifically I have not had much experience integrating technology into the classroom. I find it quite daunting, but I am excited to learn more about it. I know many students of varying ability levels and interests can benefit from the use of technology in the classroom. I hope to gain some knowledge and skills in this area so I can use more technology in my upcoming Internship.

As for my experience with blogging, I am fairly new to creating posts like this. Last semester I had a little bit of experience through my ECS 400 class, making summaries of each class on my Google Sites portfolio. This portfolio has some of my work from ECS 400 displayed. However, I do not have any experience with creating blog posts with categories. But, I am super excited to learn more as I feel this is a super important skill. I would like to expand my knowledge on creating posts so I could create a blog for my future classroom to share with parents and guardians.

4 thoughts on “Hi! I’m Bridget

  1. Hello Bridget,
    I loved reading and getting to know you a little bit! I will definitely be checking out your learning project blogs, teaching your dogs new tricks is a very cool idea and I can’t wait to see how you make out. Wishing you the best of luck!
    P.S – Your dogs are adorable!

  2. Hi Brodie, thank you for your comment. I appreciate your kind words and well wishes. Best of luck to you as well!

  3. Hi Bridget! Great first post. I loved your photos and getting to know you a bit better! Fun fact – I also interned at Arcola Community School when I was in my undergrad 🙂 It truly is a great school! I am excited to see your future posts!

    1. Hi Kiera! Thank you for your comment! I LOVED pre-interning at Arcola, it is such a lovely community!

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