Summary of Learning :)

Summary of Learning :)

Final Thoughts

So, this is the end. I have enjoyed this class so much. My mind has been opened to the idea of bringing technology into the classroom at a variety of ages and ability levels. I think I have been scared to integrate technology because I did not fully understand its uses, as I did not experience using it much in school. But, I am so happy I had the opportunity to learn more about it in this course, and intend to explore it further as I progress in my career.

Though this is the end of my EDTC300 posts, it is not the end of my blog. So stay tuned!

My Summary

For my summary of learning, I have chosen to create a Canva Presentation that I feel represents my learning throughout the course. I have then taken the presentation and recorded myself presenting in multiple separate recordings. I chose to record this way so I could add it into iMovie and add in a variety of screen recordings that were taken either throughout the summary process or during the course.

I am so happy with how my final product turned out. Everything I learned in this class was very valuable to me as a future teacher, but this summary shows my biggest takeaways!


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