My Contributions To The Classroom Community

My Contributions To The Classroom Community

Over the course of the semester, being involved in the classroom community was very important to me. I chose to stay connected with my classmates through posting on the Discord community, replying to the posts of my classmates, as well as replying to the comments that had been left on my own posts. I was very fortunate to have a great group of classmates that I was not only interacting with their blogs, but they were with mine as well. The ways my classmates interacted with me made this course so much more enjoyable!

Below I have put my contributions into greater detail as well as added a slideshow with screenshot evidence. You will notice at the bottom of each slideshow there are white dots. Clicking on these dots will help to navigate the slideshow, or you can simply let them automatically play through. The number of dots indicates the number of slides. I have also added a link at the bottom to the Canva presentation that I used to create the slideshows, just in case they will not load.

Discord Community Contributions

I found the Discord community the most difficult to participate in during the semester. I am new to using Discord, so initially learning how to use it was a bit of a learning curve. However, once I became more comfortable with Discord, I had an easier time. I made it a goal for myself to make one comment, post, or reply on either the ‘Resources’ or ‘Q and A’ section at least once a week. I thought a once a week goal was reasonable, because of my workload this semester. In these sections, I was able to share a video about iMovie that helped me to use it as a tool in my posts, my ideas on how to do the final project, my experiences uploading videos to my posts, as well as interact with my classmates ideas and resources. I found the Discord community to be very helpful to my learning, as even when I was not active I was still reading every post.

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Replies To My Classmates’ Posts

Each week we were asked to reply to 3-5 classmates’s posts through the EDTC300 blog. These replies could be on learning project or assigned posts from the week. I really enjoyed replying to my classmates on both types of posts because they made me feel much more engaged with the group, especially in an online class. I chose to reply to many different people each week, while still keeping a few people that I would regularly comment on. I liked being able to see everyone’s progress and get to continue the conversations we engaged in in class time. At about week 4 I noticed that I was becoming really busy and my commenting kind of fell to the side of my priorities. So, I then decided to do additional comments the next week to make up for it, even going back to look at past posts to comment on.

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Replies To Comments On My Posts

I was very lucky to get so many wonderful comments on my posts. Sometimes these comments were classmates checking in on my Learning Project progress, others were carrying on the discussion I had started in my posts, and some were sharing additional resources with me. I loved this, as it made me feel so connected to the classroom community. With each comment I received, I was sure to respond to them and thank them for their comments and support!

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Canva Slideshow (if the slideshows can not be accessed in this post).


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