Technology in the Classroom: Exploring iMovie

Technology in the Classroom: Exploring iMovie

Why iMovie?

When choosing a tool for this week’s post, I wanted to choose something that I could use for my future Learning Project posts, as well as something I can see myself using in my future classroom. So, I had a few things I needed to consider in order for this tool to work for me. I decided to look for a tool that:

  • Is easy to access
  • Is free to use
  • Is easy to learn
  • Can be used for a variety of different purposes

After looking at a variety of tools, I settled on one that I feel fits in to the criteria I had outlined. The tool I chose to explore deeper for this post is iMovie. Though this app has been on every iPhone and iPad I have ever owned, I have not gotten the chance to really dive into the capabilities of this program. It seems to be one of those apps that sits on my phone simply because I cannot delete it. But, through my exploration of iMovie, I have discovered the variety of things it offers, and the potential it holds for interesting projects. 

What is iMovie?

iMovie is an application that can be accessed primarily on Apple products. This software allows users to import, edit, and combine images, videos, and sounds into one cohesive video. Users can create a variety of products like movies and presentations. This app is free to use and is fairly easy to navigate, making it perfect for beginners in video editing, and students.

How to Use iMovie?

To begin this review, I would like to state that I am not an expert. This means any tips on using iMovie are welcome, as I begin navigating this program. However, I have learned some things that are very beginner friendly.

When first opening the app and beginning a new project, the user will see this screen. One can then upload their own media (highlighted in pink), or choose from a variety of pre made title pages, backgrounds, and audios (highlighted in yellow). I really like the pre-made backgrounds and text options, as it allows me to create titles without having to import from another program. After adding in their desired content, they can then edit using the toolbar in the top right corner of the screen (highlighted in blue). The toolbar allows you to add filters, set a duration for the clip to play, crop any images or videos, and much more.

As I do not have much experience with this application, I have included a video by Howfinity on YouTube, who goes over in detail how to use iMovie.

How Does iMovie Fit in to the SAMR Model?

I believe the use of iMovie in the classroom can relate to all aspects of the SAMR model. I have outlined ways iMovie can be used to reach each level of the SAMR model below.

Substitution: A teacher could use iMovie to create videos to show in class time. These videos could be used to combine a variety of clips in a history lesson, or show the steps to solve a math equation. However, it is important to note that in order for this to be a substitution, this video would be shown only in class to substitute a lecture, and not be accessible after class time.

Augmentation: A teacher could use iMovie to edit and post recorded lectures for students. The use of iMovie would allow students to access the lecture recordings after class times, helping students who were away to catch up, or give others the opportunity to review content. The ability to edit the videos allows teachers to choose the important parts of the lesson to include in the recording, cutting out work time and smaller group work.

Modification: For modification, iMovie could be used to create presentations. Students, could pre-record their presentations to either be shared with the whole class or in smaller groups. In pre-recording the presentation, students can ensure that all pieces of information are included in their presentation, and nothing will be missed. Using iMovie to create a presentation also adds the element of editing using technology.

Redefinition: For redefinition, a student could use iMovie to document their learning throughout a course. As iMovie allows someone to continually edit over a long period of time, a student could add content over the course of a semester. This movie could give students something to look back on, as it tracked their progress. iMovie could also be used in a ‘questions for my future self’ format. A student could ask themselves in a video any questions they might have prior to beginning the course. They would then respond to themselves in another video at the end.

iMovie in Relation to My Learning Project

After putting some time into researching iMovie, I would love to use it for my Learning Project. As I am teaching my dogs some new tricks, I feel the best way to show my progress is through video. iMovie would be a great place to import my various video clips and edit them to put into my weekly blog posts!


I used this tool in my most recent Learning Project Post, here is a screen recording of how I used it.

2 thoughts on “Technology in the Classroom: Exploring iMovie

  1. Hi Bridget,
    I appreciate the clear breakdown of how iMovie works! It seems user-friendly, especially with the pre-made options for backgrounds and text. The video tutorial by Howfinity gave me a better grasp of all the features. Thanks for sharing! What a great idea to document your dog’s training progress using this app. That would really make it more engaging and fun!

    1. Hi Rowena!
      I have now spent some more time playing around with iMovie and I can agree that it is so user friendly. I am not great with video editing, but my attempts so far have turned out great. I definitely encourage trying it out for yourself, It has so much potential for some great projects!

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