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Author: Bridget Maloney

Cyber Safety: Was It Taught In School?

Cyber Safety: Was It Taught In School?

In my schooling experience, the idea of educating about online interactions and uses fell into two categories: General Cyber Safety and Cyber Bullying. I found that both were spoken about frequently in my Health Education classes from around Grade 6 to Grade 9. However, when thinking back, I realize that these topics seemed to be discussed using quite different methods. Throughout the rest of this post I will dive deeper into each of these topics and how they were approached…

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Creating a Training Environment

Creating a Training Environment

New Learning: As I continued with the plan I had outlined in my first few Learning Blog Posts, I noticed that distractions while training have increasingly become an issue. These distractions are things like people walking by when we are out in the yard, different smells in the grass, RABBITS, and many other things. I have definitely learned this week that I have easily distracted dogs. But, along with knowing they are very distractible, I have also learned over the…

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Technology: How Has It Changed the World?

Technology: How Has It Changed the World?

As someone who primarily grew up in the age of technology, I have not put much thought into the ways technology has changed the world. While reflecting on the developments of technology during my own life, I realize just how revolutionary they have been. These developments connect people regardless of where they are located, merging so many groups of people who otherwise would never connect. As the idea of connecting through technology has existed almost my whole life, each development…

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This week has been exciting! As it was my first week actively working on training my dogs, I am very excited to share my initial progress. In this post I will be detailing my new learning from the week and this week’s progress. New Learning: As I had set out a plan for training last week, I wanted to give the sources I picked a fair chance to work with each of my dogs. So, instead of researching more tips…

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Creating a Game Plan

Creating a Game Plan

Overview of This Week’s Progress: As I began my first full week of my Learning Project, I decided to start with the basics. I searched through a number of blogs to help begin to understand the general do’s and don’ts of dog training. Because I am choosing to work on a different trick with each of my dogs, I thought a general outline was crucial to make everything work. A website that stuck out to me during this initial research…

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Technology in the Classroom: Exploring iMovie

Technology in the Classroom: Exploring iMovie

Why iMovie? When choosing a tool for this week’s post, I wanted to choose something that I could use for my future Learning Project posts, as well as something I can see myself using in my future classroom. So, I had a few things I needed to consider in order for this tool to work for me. I decided to look for a tool that: Is easy to access Is free to use Is easy to learn Can be used…

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Technology in My Daily Life

Technology in My Daily Life

Before enrolling in this course, I had never considered the ways in which I use technology, and how they impact both my educational and day to day life. Today, it is difficult to limit the amount of technology we use daily as it is all around us. I use technology for personal enjoyment, communication, and education. I found it interesting during Monday’s class to both reflect on the platforms I spend most of my time on, and also see how…

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Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Learning Project Post One – Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks? My Plans: When beginning to think about what I wanted to focus on for my Learning Project, I knew I wanted to choose something I will be doing anyways. This way I can use this project to stay motivated and keep on track with my intentions. So, I have decided to work on training my dogs in the form of teaching them some new tricks. I chose this…

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Hi! I’m Bridget

Hi! I’m Bridget

Hi! I would like to begin this introductory post by sharing a few facts about myself! My name is Bridget Maloney and I am just beginning my fourth year in the Faculty of Education at the University of Regina, working toward my Bachelors of Education focusing on the Elementary years. I am so excited to be entering my final year in the faculty, as becoming a teacher has been a dream of mine from a very young age. After completing…

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