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Category: Learning Project

Yes, You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

Yes, You Can Teach Old Dogs New Tricks!

This semester I wanted to approach the Learning Project with an idea that I knew I would keep up with beyond the seven weeks we had to work. I chose to teach all three of my dogs a new trick. I absolutely love spending time with my dogs and was so excited to embark on this journey with them. Today my dogs have not only learned some new things but have also shown great progress in their attentiveness to commands,…

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Learning Project: My Final Week

Learning Project: My Final Week

New Learning Throughout the week, I have felt that my training has been going very well. The strategies that I have outlined in my very first post have worked incredibly well. So, I did not feel that I necessarily needed a new strategy to employ this week in my training. Instead, the research I did this week was more related to my future training rather than present. I have addressed distractions, making time, and keeping motivation in dog training, but…

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Keeping Motivation

Keeping Motivation

New Learning: As the semester is coming to an end my classes are getting busier, and I find myself having less time to spend training. However, I know that it is incredibly important to continue to make time. Ensuring that I make time for my dogs during busy times makes sure that their training stays consistent, and gives me a break from my busy schedule. I really enjoy spending quality time with them and I find our small training times…

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Creating a Training Environment

Creating a Training Environment

New Learning: As I continued with the plan I had outlined in my first few Learning Blog Posts, I noticed that distractions while training have increasingly become an issue. These distractions are things like people walking by when we are out in the yard, different smells in the grass, RABBITS, and many other things. I have definitely learned this week that I have easily distracted dogs. But, along with knowing they are very distractible, I have also learned over the…

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This week has been exciting! As it was my first week actively working on training my dogs, I am very excited to share my initial progress. In this post I will be detailing my new learning from the week and this week’s progress. New Learning: As I had set out a plan for training last week, I wanted to give the sources I picked a fair chance to work with each of my dogs. So, instead of researching more tips…

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Creating a Game Plan

Creating a Game Plan

Overview of This Week’s Progress: As I began my first full week of my Learning Project, I decided to start with the basics. I searched through a number of blogs to help begin to understand the general do’s and don’ts of dog training. Because I am choosing to work on a different trick with each of my dogs, I thought a general outline was crucial to make everything work. A website that stuck out to me during this initial research…

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Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks?

Learning Project Post One – Can You Teach Old Dogs New Tricks? My Plans: When beginning to think about what I wanted to focus on for my Learning Project, I knew I wanted to choose something I will be doing anyways. This way I can use this project to stay motivated and keep on track with my intentions. So, I have decided to work on training my dogs in the form of teaching them some new tricks. I chose this…

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