Teaching Philosophy

Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy

Bridget Maloney

As a pre-service teacher taking my first steps into the classroom, my teaching philosophy is still actively developing and changing throughout my classroom experiences. However, through my experiences thus far many of my beliefs have been solidified. I strive to create a classroom space that is inclusive and welcoming to all. In my classroom, learning should be an experience filled with discovery, through hands on, place-based, and collaborative activities. I recognize that each student brings forward unique points of view and prior knowledge that will be incorporated into individualized learning plans, designed to play to each students’ strengths, interests, and funds of knowledge. I believe that the creation of individualized learning plans will give each student the opportunity to achieve grade level outcomes, fulfilling the standards set by the curriculum. It is important to me that while aiding my students in discovery and learning, I recognize that I myself still have many things to learn. I will always be open to hearing the perspectives and knowledge my students bring to the classroom, allowing them to guide me in the learning process alongside them.

As a Treaty Four person I am committed to upholding and honoring Treaty promises made during the signing of Treaty Four, especially the promise to provide education that is reflective of student needs. Along with upholding this promise it is my responsibility to bring Indigenous perspectives and voices into my classroom in order to contribute to and further the process of Truth and Reconciliation. As a white colonial settler, I cannot bring forward the information and teachings that can be brought forward by Indigenous Elders and Knowledge Keepers. In knowing this I strive to bring these people into my classroom with the goal of centering Indigenous ways of knowing into my classroom community.

As I move forward into my career as a teacher, I will continue to grow in my ideas while continuing to bring my core beliefs into the classroom. I believe that every student should be in the classroom receiving an education that is both beneficial and relevant to their lives. Every student should feel safe to explore new things, gain new knowledge, and express their ideas.