Well, it is official my first field experience has come to an end. I have learned a lot from my cooperating teacher and my students. This experience is something I would not trade for the world, I have learned so much about what it takes to be a successful teacher. My understanding of educating students has grown so much by being in a classroom. I have gained further knowledge regarding my students and their learning, the school and community, teachers and their knowledge, inclusive education and diversity, curriculum, and technology in the classroom. This knowledge will help me become a better educator for my students and will also shape my teaching.

In these short 8 weeks, I have seen so much, It is my job as an educator to figure out the needs of my students and adapt to them to help them learn and become successful. When I am a teacher, I want my classroom will feel like a safe space for my students; where they can rely on and talk to me about anything they wish.

After being in the field, I know the importance of all the topics we have covered in class. We as a community are shaping the future. I still have so much to learn before I am fully ready to teach my students. A quote I look back on constantly is “Be the change you want to see in the world” this quote means so much to me as I believe there is so much more growth to do in this world and its up to us to change and educate our students and change for the better and admit the mistakes of the past.