Today was my first day in the field, when I woke up this morning, I was terrified as I previously had gone to this school so I was terrified to run into teachers I knew. I am working in the grade 4/5 classroom. When I arrived, I noticed that the classroom was filled with desks and posters that the teacher had created with her bitmoji. When I arrived the students were eating their lunch and watching a movie. they then finished their lunch and went outside and I explored the classroom in greater detail, I noticed how much classrooms have changed since I was in school and became a little jealous.
The kids very very energetic and, loved to show you what they were learning and get you to test them on their spelling. I really got to look at the kids and how they reacted to the lessons and the best ways to get them excited to participate and stay focused. I really connected with a particular student as she was shy like I was at that age and, she is a very talented artist and she actually drew pictures of us and gave them to us. We went out to recess with the kids and played basketball and danced and helped kids that got hit by other kids trying to get the ball. The experience was very overwhelming but, so rewarding at the same time. The kids were so excited to learn and try things and cheer there classmates on when playing games.
At the end of the afternoon, they did questions but in-between each question, they did a brain break to keep them focused and motivate them to work so they can get to the next activity. Before the bell rang they played ABC game, where they had to name a place in the world that starts with certain letters in the alphabet and if they got one them, they got to get ready to go home.
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