Let’s be honest, a lot of the work you bring home is emotional. You may be struggling to connect with a student, or understand some of the behaviours that are present in your class. The effect of perceived school climate and teacher efficacy in behavior management on job satisfaction and burnout: A longitudinal study by Olli-Pekka Malinen and Hannu Savolainen elaborates on the need for proper behavioural management strategies while also receiving support as educators when needed. They state that “educators may benefit more from carrying out well-supported behavior interventions in their own classrooms … and receiving emotional support when struggling with the emotions related to problematic student behavior” (Malinen & Savolainen, 2016, pg. 151). In regards to the previously stated, I hope that the following resource will guide you through finding some intel on any behavioural issues you may be facing.
PBIS World
PBIS World is an online resource that allows you to explore through different behavioural issues Once you select the behaviour, it will guide you through a list of attributes that relate to the behaviour. If your student meets the criteria within the page, it will guide your through the different tiers of interventions. Within this second page, there is a tab that provides you with 30+ different types of intervention forms, data tracking sheets, questionnaires, and so much more. This is an incredibly valuable resource, as it can help you begin to analyze the behaviour, and provide you with tactics of how to work with it, and improve it. See the below photos for an example of how the site works.