Do we need to differentiate the P in PLN?

First Some Rambling Reflections

I ‘ve been reflecting on our last class, specifically the cross referencing “connections” exercise that @Katiahildebrant provided. Thirty minutes goes by very quickly in a group activity which requires quick organization from the team. Unfortunately, as I am not familiar with the SK Curriculum,  I  wasn’t able to bounce around it very quickly and was not a lot of help to my team in that way. But I could take notes quickly! I am somewhat familiar with the MB curriculum. In my parent role I have looked at it a few times. Although I must admit it is usually to see what they are learning in health class. Hopefully the students learn more than what these folks in Florida know!

In my professional role as an educator in a competency based health program, I have a similar document provided by my professional association. Perhaps K-12 education programs are competency based for practical skills during practicums? I would be very interested to find out.  I’d love a response! The CAMRT Competency Profile for Radiation Therapy outlines the skills the students must attain prior to graduation.

The National Competency Profile for Entry-Level Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs) in Canada describes the practice requirements of MRTs at entry-to-practice, to provide safe, effective, compassionate and ethical patient care in a variety of work environments.

I am also very familiar with cross referencing the competencies to ensure we are providing our students with the best chance for success.

Our school is about the enter the accreditation process and we are preparing for first submission next May. In my new role, it is my responsibility to ensure we are adequately addressing the entire profile. I have also gained a new document, HSO’s Allied Heath Education Program Standard. This is my guide (bible) to creating evidence of the quality of our program, including integration between didactic and clinical components. What we learn in the classroom is not always what we see in the clinic. Again, I can see how this could be parallel to the education programming. Do K-12 educational programs have the same goal?

Which P?

Katia’s approach creates a sense of classroom within the online environment. While andragogy is different to pedagogy, and adult learners have different motivations for learning, this is still quite difficult to achieve.  The Discord community makes a contribution, but it is also a practical addition to the class. It appears that most of the learners in our classwork within shared divisions,

PLN from

and certainly share the same curriculum. As such, Discord provides the opportunity to create connection and build upon our Professional Learning Network. Even for those learners that don’t have this in common (such as myself) it provides an opportunity to create connections and build upon our Personal Learning Network.

I hope some of us are able to maintain these connections and expand our PLNs, regardless of its context.

How soon should we PLN?  yes, I turned that into a verb

I now believe that creating a PLN early in life will have benefits. My 16 year old son has firmly decided on what he wants to study in university. But really, how does he know? I can see why he is drawn to it, and he seems to have the right qualities. If he was actively building a PLN (without calling it that of course!) he would have access to much more information to make a more informed decision which could impact his course choices in grades 11 and 12. Thoughtful Learning has a great activity around building a PLN that can be done with older students. I believe it would be appropriate for my son. From this site I was linked to a Prezi that provides a how to on creating a PLN.

This activity would also address a theme that has been running through our conversations – how to we teach digital literacy?

Curate 2 ReCreate

In Everything is a Remix, Kirby Ferguson did an excellent job demonstrating how different information is reused from previous knowledge. Showcasing the products drove his points in a digestible way.

If an artist is said to be “influenced” by another artist, what does this mean? Something about the 2 pieces makes them comparable; they share similar elements. After watching Ferguson’s documentary, it is easy to understand how one’s lived experience goes into the products of their creativity. Understanding this on a superficial level is easy, but understanding how this is using previous art and incorporating it into one’s own, or Remixing, takes its a step further and may be harder to accept, either protecting one’s creativity as the original creator or the “re-mixer”.

Can we accept that there are no new ideas? I would like to believe that Ferguson is brushing everyone with the same paintbrush. His statements are broad and make a point, however, the romantic in me would like to believe that some creators, despite shared experiences with millions of people, can create something original.

How does remixing apply to education?

Educators are deeply creative. Their art form isn’t something physical, like music or poetry, but rather it is experienced through the learning journey they create for their students

Continue reading “Curate 2 ReCreate”

Frogging off the Hop

This past week I spent a bit of time getting a handle on the magic circle and I feel fairly confident with it now. I made a few small little projects, including 4 different patterns of hearts that I found on Instagram and TikTok.

Small projects using the magic circle
Crochet bundle kit for Beginners containing materials to make a frog, owl and penguin

At this point I felt like it was time to start my first amigurumi. If you read my first post, you may remember that the kit I have contained 3 animals. A frog, a penguin and an owl.
I decided to start with the frog. Well, truth be told, I had already started the frog over the Christmas holidays. I didn’t want to frog my frog. (Click here for a reminder of what frogging is in crochet). I headed out to Michaels and purchased some more green yarn that I thought was the same weight.

Two (or three) Surprises off the ‘hop’

Surprise number one, I discovered that the frog doesn’t start with a magic circle. It starts a different way and continues in something called “crocheting in the round”.

Frog’s body to illustrate crocheting in the round

This was surprise number two. Crocheting in the round is not straight forward and watching many YouTube videos actually doesn’t help cause they all say the same thing in the same way that I still do not understand.

As I crocheted around and around, my frog was getting fatter and fatter. 32 stitches around became 54 stitches around.  I frogged this frog. I frogged this frog a lot.  Here is an example of instructions:

For single crochet (sc), after sl-st join and ch-1, you want to sc into the same space that was just joined with the slip-stitch.

Oh boy. I turned to the Ravelry community which has become the part of my PLN that I lean on the most. Within 30 minutes I had many replies and one lady created this amazing drawing! And (perhaps surprise number three) I actually understand it!

drawing from a reply to my question from the Ravelry community

Reading a Crochet Pattern and Surprise Number Four

In my last post I provided some of the symbols for crochet patterns, and it turns out there is a lot more to it than just a string of symbols.

Here is a screenshot of the pattern that came with my frog. I won’t go into detail about what it means, but I am happy to report I am gaining crochet literacy. 

Surprise number four is that the yarn I bought for the frog is NOT the same weight, and despite using the same hook size, this new frog will be massive.

Still cute though.

My plan is to continue on with my little amigurumi buddies and hopefully start to see some straighter rows, more even tension and less frogging.

Enter the Magic Circle


I’ve decided my next step is to learn some skills specific to Amigurumi. But first, it is always good to look back and see what has been learned so far!

We can’t forget frogging!Tree frog, flying frog laughing I can thank several online sources for teaching me all of the above. YouTube and my PLN are the biggest contributors to my learning.  I continue to refer to the 3  resources I have used as my PLN which are the Facebook group, Ravelry and Reddit.

Back to the next set of skills Required for Amigumuri. These include:

      • dc = double crochet
      • inc = increase
      • dec = decrease
      • mc = magic circle
      • reading crochet patterns

Most Amigumuri pieces start with the magic circle. What is a magic circle you ask? Watch this from TikTok which explains it better than i could:


Struggling with the magic ring? Here’s my step-by-step guide for complete beginners 🧶✨ Follow along as I break it down slowly so you can master this essential crochet skill! #MagicRingCrochet #CrochetTips #SlowCrochet #BeginnerCrochet #CrochetForBeginners

♬ APT. – ROSÉ & Bruno Mars

I have started to practice, and, not surprisingly, there are many different ways people like to do this. I found a video that I understood. I think I can start the magic circle now, although quite clumsily as I demonstrate here in this video.


Manipulation Nation: The Dark Side of Social Media’s Siren Song

note: Title generated by AI

How educators can, or should, approach the issue of social media (and the dangers/concerns associate with it) in the classroom?

While our learning projects are highlighting a positive side to social media, online connections and the internet, the recommended videos for this week each underscore the dark side of social media

The suggested videos covered the topics of TikTok’s influence on our youth, how social media is designed to get us addicted, sextortion – in particular Amanda Todd’s story, and content marketing.  I watched each video and reflected on the question: what do they have in common? One word popped into my mind right away, manipulation.

By Ibrahim.ID – Own work

Social Media Apps

In The Social Dilemma we heard the adage “If you are not paying for the product – you are the product”.  Jaron Lanier zoomed in and described how he believes this to be true. What he believes is “it’s the gradual, slight, imperceptible, change in your own behaviour and perception that is the product.”

Mirriam-Webster defines manipulate as “to control or play upon by artful, unfair, or insidious means especially to one’s own advantage”.

What Jaron Lanier described is manipulation.

“it’s the gradual, slight, imperceptible, change in your own behaviour and perception that is the product.”

Jaron Lanier, The Social Dilemma

These social media apps are designed to keep us scrolling and modify our behaviour through manipulation. A stunning example is Lauren from the Four Corners expose TikTok: Eating disorders, racism, censorship and distorted realities. She actually relapsed back to her eating disorder due to the targeted content she was being fed on TikTok.

This brings me back to The Social Dilemma where Tristan Harris, former design ethicist at Google, asked a great question:

“Is this normal or have we all fallen under some kind of spell?”

Screenshot from The Social Dilemma

Sextortion and cyber bullying

The tragic case of Amanda Todd brings to light the realities of online grooming and manipulation of children. The predators are able to make their victims engage in behaviours that they wouldn’t otherwise, which results in private images captured. Once these images are released over the internet via social media, the victim is vulnerable to blackmail and cyber bullying. Amanda Todd’s mom has worked hard to educate others on these dangers and raise awareness about the risks. Her efforts also helped capture Amanda’s predator.

Public Safety Canada’s Online Child and sexual exploitation website has this video to raise awareness. It is OK; I think they could do better. It seems to say all the right things, however the tone is too casual to emphasize its import.

Content Marketing

The external influence and manipulation tactics that we are bombarded with everyday are not exclusive to social media apps. The Story of Content: Rise of the New Marketing  highlights the fascinating shift in marketing strategies due to popularity of content creation. It shows that traditional marketing approaches are no longer providing the best returns. Instead, it is the creation and its dissemination of engaging content that pulls in the people and thus the profits. Marketing has long applied the psychology of human behavior to its methods. Content marketing however seems more insidious as it is able to build long-term relationships with its customers establishing a sense of trust through manipulation.

My 12 year old asked me the other day – Everyone keeps telling me that the internet is getting my data. What is that data? What are they doing with it?

On red background, black speech sticker with handwritten text SO WHAT? , to express feeling of "it's not important" or "I don't care" - should not be considered objectionableI thought it was a great question, and I actually had a difficult time answering it beyond some vague response about big data and predicting people behaviours. OK, so what?

After rewatching it this past week, I think my new simple answer would be that these apps are able to learn the patterns, likes and values of people based on who they are and where they live. If they want to they can control what information people are given on their feeds. The big realization now is that “we can now affect real world behaviour and emotions”.

This is a scary thought! What about our autonomy and right to self-determination? The truth is that we think we are autonomous beings, but we are vulnerable to manipulation and suggestion. Social media capitalizes on this to modify our emotions, beliefs and values, and for what? Profit. So the rich get richer. As The Social Dilemma pointed out this is an existential problem.

I hang onto this quote from Tristan Harris:

“It’s not about the technology being the existential threat. It’s the technology’s ability to bring out the worst in society. And the worst in society being the existential threat.”

This is poignant as it hints to the fact that we can take control.

This is the bottom line to the answer to the question “Can we or should we approach the issue of social media in the classroom?”. Yes, we can and we should. We have to.

If we educate ourselves and the next generations about how to protect ourselves from manipulation and be less vulnerable users of these apps, then we remove the power of manipulation from social media. Many of these concepts are in the SK school curriculum. Pulling a few from the SK documents:

      • Digital reputation
      • how to combat the spread of negative postings
      • legal and social impacts of sexting
      • potential mental health problems with technology

These are a great start. And the Digital Citizenship Education in Saskatchewan Schools planning guide is an excellent companion to the curriculum. I wonder though, is it enough? How are we teaching the kids to be aware of the intentional targeted manipulation? We must connect certain protective skills, not just concepts, to our technology to reduce the childrens’ risk of falling victim to manipulation. I have no doubt that all teachers want to foster critical thinking. But it must be taught in these specific waters that are very difficult to tread to help students become more discerning, critical users of these platforms.

The children must acknowledge and believe in their own autonomy and encouraged to exercise their right to self determination.

How do we do this in the era of the cell phone “banned wagon”?

Moving beyond the square

I am feeling impatient to start the amigurumis….. however, I pressed on with the second dishcloth and I am very glad I did. Through this exercise I gained more skills and became more confident with counting and recognizing the stitches.

The first dishcloth was done with a single crochet (sc) stitch, and I decided to learn a different stitch for the second one. The idea for the second stitch came from TikTok and it is called a crunch stitch. Although there are 2 varieties, the most common one being a combination of a half double crochet stitch (hdc) and a slip stitch (sl st). Contrary to logical thinking a half double  crochet stitch is not a single crochet stitch. I ended up using is a  combination of single crochet stitch followed by a slip stitch. 

At first I was having the same issues that I had the first time with inconsistent stitch counts which resulted in the skinny part. However, about halfway up, it finally came to me how to begin and end each row properly. Using the crunch stitch really helped as I could see the difference between the  single crochet stitch and the slip stitch which allowed me to see if I was landing on an odd or even stitch without counting.

You can see in the picture I’ve highlighted how straight the last half ended up! I think the final row is wobbly due to tension issues, which I continue to work on.

To finish off the dishcloths I wanted to put a different coloured edge around them. I was also determined to learn something from the short-video format of TikTok and Instagram, so I learned to change colour and to edge with these platforms. The first edge technique is a just simple single stitch. The second one, I don’t think has a name, I learned from this video.


easy new crochet edge pattern #crochet #crochetersoftiktok #crochettiktok #foryou #fyp #crochetboottutorial #crochetshawl

♬ Epic Music(863502) – Draganov89

Final results of my new dishcloths!

(they actually make me laugh, but in a good way!)


Participatory Culture in Education

Participatory culture influences our understanding of pedagogy in education resulting in a transformational change of how we understand what information and knowledge is as well as the theory and practice of teaching. Instruction methods have shifted away from the teacher centred traditional approach, involving lectures, textbooks, and memorization. Students were tested on the material, and move on to the next topic. Traditional assessment tools fail to capture critical thinking and creativity.

Within participatory culture, this model is no longer relevant; how has participatory culture changed teaching methods that have been used for generations?

Continue reading “Participatory Culture in Education”

Crochet on my mind, not my hook

Three weeks ago I got a new job and this was my first week on my own. My days are so full that each day at work feels like 2 hours. Needless to say my work has come home with me this week which has resulted in both my crochet hook and I  experiencing separation pains. I have quite a few unscheduled hours this weekend so I look forward to reuniting with my new friend.

Saying that, I have been THINKING about my crochet progress which is part of the process for sure.

Continue reading “Crochet on my mind, not my hook”

PLN for the win

Since my last post I have been making progress on my dishcloth. I’d say it is about 2/3 complete. It is not perfect, and I have been resisting the urge to frog, so that I can look back and learn from my mistakes.

While YouTube and other online instruction sources have gotten me so far, I really needed some realtime feedback for answers to my questions.  This is where the Facebook group Crochet Tutorial & Patterns that I mentioned in a previous blog post has been so helpful! The members are quick to reply and have offered great advice, coming from experience. I have also reached out to a friend who crochets and she has been offering advice through the messaging app.

TikTok and Instagram I have left behind for the moment. As I practice my skills, what I need is the instant feedback that the Facebook group and messaging provides. Although I did find this relatable video on TikTok.

It’s good to keep the spirits up!


HELP #crochet #crochettok #crochettutorial #cozycrafts

♬ original sound – Sarah 📖🧚‍♀️💕


PLN and the struggle to count

I continue to struggle with counting my stitches! I don’t quite understand where I am going wrong…. but my first attempt at a dishcloth was looking for like a frilly collar

Frog, stitch, count. Frog, stitch, count. My PLN on Facebook came to the rescue with some excellent advice…

I will post another update when I have some real progress to show…