Sweet Potato Soup: The New Taste of Fall
For this weeks learning project I wanted to keep moving in the direction of making restaurant quality meals at home. I thought my previous post I did not execute as well as I wanted to with the overall appearance and taste of the cookies I tried to make. I wanted to make up for it this week. In my first post I shared a video from the life of David Goggins and theme from that video is being able to overcome adversity when things go wrong in your life. I sit on a throne of privilege to say my adversity from last week was my cookies did not turn out the way I wanted but I am trying to see any form of adversity as an opportunity to learn and grow.
I talked about in my last post of overconfidence bias and how we often over estimate our abilities to do things. For this week I wanted to embrace a humble mindset and just do my best not thinking about the end goal but just enjoying the process. I watched a video this week on what is actually like being a chef in a restaurant. The Chef was talking about how much pressure it is do actually be a chef in a professional setting. You have demands from the customer to have perfect meals, demands from the cooks around you with more experience, along with physical and mental demands too. I kept that in mind while I am doing the project for this week; knowing I just get to do it for fun so I am just going to enjoy the process.
My wife is a big fan of coffee shops and some coffee shops are known for their great tasting soups that they make day in and day out, so like a good husband I thought I could try and bring that experience home to her. Fall is soup season so what better way is there to spend a Friday night then making some delicious soup. I was pretty bold in my title caption saying that sweet potato soup was the new taste of fall so put the pumpkin spice latte down and try this soup! Here is the recipe:
I enjoyed using the Splice video editor the last cooking video I made so I used it again it is super easy.
Application for learning and my learning:
I think that I was overconfident in my last recipe I tried which was the reason I made some mistakes and they didn’t turn out quite how I wanted them to turn out. I reflected on this slowed my process down focused more on the process than the outcome and found out that it helped me to create a really awesome soup. I was proud of how it turned out and it felt like it was a step in the right direction for what my end goal is. I added some education to my process as well with reviewing a video I used at the start of the project along with watching a video of a professional chef. Doing this helped me respond better in a sense that I can overcome adversity, and alleviate the pressure I was putting on myself to be able to cook at a professional level.
Application for teaching:
I think that recognizing there will be times where students will face adversity in their own lives either personal or in the classroom and the need to respond appropriately. I think there is a level of encouragement that needs to take place to help them respond appropriately but also extending grace for maybe hard things that they are going through. Encouraging them to “stay hard” which is one of David Goggins moto’s probably is not the best way to help students. I found this article to be helpful in building resilience in students.
Have any thoughts you’d like to share let me know in the comments below!
Hi Cale, I am not a huge fan of sweet potatoes but today I decided to follow the recipe you used and wow am I ever glad I did. I have been enjoying watching your journey unfold! Hope your having a great week!
Hey Chassidy, haha I am shocked! Changing someones mind on their preference for sweet potatoes wasn’t my goal in this post but it’s great that you decided to give sweet potatoes another shot! Thanks for following along, I hope you’re having a great week as well!!
This is awesome Cale! I love how you took a step back and focused on the process this time, rather than stressing over the end result. It’s a great reminder that it’s okay to make mistakes and learn from them, whether in cooking or in life. Also, sweet potato soup sounds delicious.
Thanks McKenzie, sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the results of things when we just have to enjoy what we are doing! That alone is helping me in my journey that I get to just enjoy what I am doing everyday. I would recommend you giving it a try you won’t be disappointed- it was so good!
Hey Cale,
That soup looks so yummy! I love the video that you put together. I appreciate you being honest about your process. I think reflection is a really important life skill and your reflecting benefited you into making this wonderful soup! Just by reading this post and watching your video, you seem like you are on the right path to making it to your end goal!
Good luck with the rest of your journey!
I am constantly reminded of the need for self reflection to continue to grow as a person! To have people encourage me is a real treat, thanks for your comment and I hope the rest of your learning project goes great too.
Hi Cale! It was so fun to watch your video and the soup looks delicious! I like that you talked about how you focused too much last time on the end result and less on the process, and it didn’t quite turn out the way you wanted. For a while I did the same thing when cooking and always told people that I hate cooking. When I do cook now, I find myself focusing more on the process and I tend to enjoy it a lot more.
Looking forward to see what you come up with next!
Wow! This looks so good! I am also doing cooking for my learning project. I am a huge fan of soups, especially in the fall and winter! This recipe looks so yummy, healthy, and colourful! Thanks for sharing
Hey Cale!
This seems like a great recipe, I will have to try it as I have lots of sweet potato lovers in my family! I really like how you show a video with your learning story as it shows everything that you are doing. Can’t wait to see what else you make!
Hello Cale,
I usually make fries out of sweat potatoes in an Air fryer. Now I learned that I can make soup out of it as well. Your soup cooking is so delicious. waiting for your next post.
Hey Cale! I love that you talked about the stresses of being a chef and how you can relate that back to your students. It is so important to make those connections for yourself and your students! The soup looks super yummy!
Hi Cale!
The Sweet Potato Soup looks fantastic and delicious. I will have to give it a try sometime! The video is a great way to showcase your learning. Good luck with the rest of your recipes for this class!
I love a good soup! this was an intersing post thanks for your effort!