Prepare, Prepare, Prepare pt.4 – Marinating

I am now on to my next step of preparing for my final cooking challenge which is Portuguese style chicken. I have covered other areas that I needed to prepare myself for this challenge such as the proper knife technique, spatchcocking, and making sure that I prep the chicken properly both before and after I cut it. The next thing on my list on something I want to learn and prepare for to execute to the best of my ability is knowing how to properly marinate chicken. I think the proper marinade enhances the flavours of food in a great way! Like many of my previous videos I am going to again use YouTube as my guide to gain knowledge on how to marinade chicken properly.

The first video kind of seems like it was made using an AI voice over but I thought it was insightful in how to marinate meat.


From this video I gathered information that a good marinade requires something sweet, something savoury, something acidic, some oil and a blend of spices. I am prepared to prepare my meat accordingly to make the most delicious chicken I possibly can.

The next video is all about BBQ, I think BBQ is known for their excellent marinades so I thought it would be helpful to highlight the best BBQ restaurants according to the AI generated voiced over video. It is the same voice over as the video above, if you enjoyed that one you would also enjoy this one!

What I gained from these videos was that a good marinade takes practice to perfect. I think it is fair to say not all marinades are created equal so if you find a good one it is best to hold onto it. I think this gives me a base background understanding of marinade creation. I think it will help me to understand just why the marinade was made the way that it was. Thankfully I dont have to create a marinade from scratch but I just have to follow a recipe.

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