About Me

I am Cambri Daelick, I grew up in Regina Saskatchewan and was the first of my parents Lori and Dwayne Daelick.

I believe that my inner grit and hardworking mindset started from growing up watching my parents, right from a little girl I knew I loved to help others. My dream began in the basement of my home playing ‘school’ with my best friend and my brother being forced to be the student of course… I have a sense of urgency within me to be a leader and a role model for future learners.

What I claim to be my strong character traits not only came from my family but developed from sport. I played basketball, both school and competitive for as long as I can remember. It had its up and downs, wins and losses, but ultimately left me with the ability to know how to work with a team, exercise leadership skills, and gave me a desire to achieve my goals. 

This is Aaron Anderson, my grade 10 english teacher and basketball coach.
This is Joni Halvorson my basketball coach of 6 years.

However, had it not been for my greatest role models, I would not be where I am today. The sport is a consistent aspect of my life journey, no matter what circumstance was taking place that year. I have these two people to give credit to they showed me what it was like to work hard. Most importantly even when I hated them for making the team run lines they stuck around and encouraged me till the very end of my basketball career. They were coaching me, cheering me on, Mr. Anderson was reading Shakespeare or Joni was reffing alongside me. They have always and forever will be my role models, as I aspire to be the next Mr. Anderson as a teacher and a mentor and use the many traits I admire from Joni in my career. Most importantly they taught me how to create a meaningful long-lasting relationships with students.

Ultimately I am someone who does not back down from a challenge, I want to build future leaders in our world. I am a disciplined, passionate, hardworking, and determined person and I will be a role model for young children.