Equality Vs Equity

In ECS 101 among all of the other intriguing topics, the one topic that stands out to me most is equality vs equity. I had no idea how important and prevalent this concept is in a classroom. I was always a kid who took a little bit longer to grasp things than other kids and that created a lot of early age anxiety. I now believe that in order to be a successful teacher you not only have to implement equity over equality but you need to do it in a way that does not put children on the spot, or call them out in front of their peers. 

This diagram represents the knowledge I have retained, about this topic and demonstrates the atmosphere I intend on providing for students.

This course has broadened my understanding of a teacher’s responsibility to meet the needs and provide a safe place for all students to succeed. Through my own experience, schooling and learning about the curriculum I have started to shape my understanding of providing equitable opportunities that are inclusive of all students. The more effective I am at meeting my student’s needs and helping them to engage with learning the more effective they will be.