Language Profile

This is my Language Profile video, click to access.

As an overview, I dug deep into my families past and made discovery’s that were both new to my parents and me. Specifically, my mother tongue languages of Russian (dads side) and Ukrainian (moms side) and how they dissolved upon the arrival into Canada. Throughout my learning, I connected the effects of public schooling from the article “History and Origins of Language Policy in Canada” article By: William F. Mackey into a part of my language loss. I was fortunate enough to find small details such as the name of a school that they attended and about the early years of life in family history books I tracked down from each side. As well as I referenced the “Federal Language Policy” powerpoint/lecture ” on UR courses, about how part of the loss was due to the high population of immigrants at the time with no formal education making communications tough, up until the enforcement of schools brought the english language to everyone.

In conclusion, I am thrilled that I now have the knowledge that I have about my family because even though I only speak, read and write English fluently I will be able to educate others including my very own family members as to the reasoning behind it. I look forward to seeing my grandparents and sharing my new found knowledge to either find out more or discover what they already knew. I may even learn a few words in both Russian and Ukrainian because some words is better than none!

Khrystos Rozhdayetsia! -Merry Christmas! (in Ukrainian)

S Rozhdestvom! -Merry Christmas! (in Russian) said: S RAH-ZH-DEE-ST-VOHM