Introduction to my learning project!

For my learning project, I had plenty of fun ideas that came to my head, but a lot of them I feel as though would not be beneficial for me for the rest of my life. Throughout my life, my Mom and Grandma had always been really into baking, but it is something I had never really gotten into. However, this learning project seemed like the perfect opportunity to start, because I know it is something I will continue on doing in the future. I have done some baking before, very simple things like cookies and muffins. I want to try things I have never done before, or flavours I have never used. Each week I plan on baking something new and stepping outside of my comfort zone. I will get each recipe from online platforms such as Pinterest, Tik Tok and Instagram. I will document what I am making each week by taking pictures throughout the process, and talking about my thoughts on how I did on my blog.

I am looking forward to seeing everyones learning progress!

2 Replies to “Introduction to my learning project!”

  1. I love baking! It can be so much fun and there’s so many different recipes and categories. I recommend trying muffins – they’re one of the easiest baking things to do! My personal favourite baking recipe is my chocolate chip cookies. It can be hard to find ‘the’ recipe – I had to mush together about five different ones over the course of two years myself. Good luck on your journey!

  2. Kendra Giuliano says: Reply

    Hi Camryn,
    I love that you decided to learn something that is a generational skill for your family. It’s nice when a class project aligns with something you want to learn because it almost gives you an excuse to spend time on it during a busy semester. I think that’s a great mindset to take into teaching as well, when it comes to allowing students to choose projects/topics they are genuinely interested in. I can’t wait to see what interesting things you bake!

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