Week One: Introduction

I am placed in the kindergarten room for half the morning. They are all very curious. Their teacher, Mrs. Megan McMullen, has lots of fun activities planned for the day. The kindergartens sometimes struggle to stay quiet. Most are eager to do their tasks and want to learn more about who I am.

After recess, the other half of the morning I am in the grade two room. The grade two students sometimes struggle to stay on task. Lots are eager to do their tasks but can get side tracked when they are beside a friend. Many of them are still excited from recess, so it takes a few minutes to settle down and get to work.

Both teachers are very organized keeping the classroom busy, entertained and happy with good control over the students. They tell me some of their plans they have to keep me busy and me ask about school and what I need from them. I like how welcoming and open the two teachers are!


Week Two: Community Links

The people in the school are students, principals, teachers, teacher assistances, administration, and custodians. At MacLeod Elementary School, they have some extra staff that other places may not have like a special need’s teacher, a guidance counsellor, and a speech pathologist.

Some of the links between the school and the community are:

Every year, they have a constable come in and talk about internet safety and bike safety. As a result of this, during the summer, the RCMP gave out “good tickets” for those who are follow proper procedure when riding their bikes. Other presentations include author visits, aboriginal presenters, bullying presentations and inspirational speakers.

Some of the classes go to the senior homes and or a center for the disabled. The school also goes to other places around town like: the skating rink, curling rink, and the pool. 

Thinking about all these connections and opportunities has made me feel thankful to be part of this community.