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Category Archives: Major Project
CFOP Method Part 2.1
Well, unfortunately, there isn’t much to report this week. I have been practicing the OLL and PLL algorithms and my time is getting faster. What I am finding now is that I am overthinking my solves (again). This used to … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
CFOP Method Part 1: Two Look OLL
I am diving into the world of the CFOP method! The most frustrating thing about learning new algorithms is that it always slows down your time at first but I keep reminding myself that this new method will improve my … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
The Language of Cubing – Week 2
This week I focused on learning how to read Cube Notation. I have a fantastic app called CubeTime which scores my times and shows my average over time. It also provides random scrambles to solve. Providing a series of scrambles … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
Learning the Language of Cubing
When I learned how to solve a speedcube, my son taught me one algorithm at a time and I gave each algorithm a nickname to help me remember it. Here are the algorithms and nicknames that I use in order to … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project
Becoming a Speedcuber
Five years ago, I had no idea that there was an entire subculture of competitive speedcubers out there. My son purchased a Rubik’s Cube brand cube and taught himself to solve it during the summer between Grade 6 and 7. … Continue reading
Posted in Major Project