
The AI tool : Canva  

How can this be used 

For teachers Canva can be used to enhance lesson plans and units. What I mean by this is Canva is a great tool for creating units at a glance by how easy this program is to set up. This allows the teacher to more efficiently set up timelines for teaching certain topics. The ability Canva has to also help integrate visual aids for students should be noted. Creating visual aids can take a large portion of time that at times teachers just don’t have. Canva allows us as teachers to create these types of visual aids and resources for our students  in much less time when the teachers become familiar with what Canva offers. Another way Canva can be a good resource for students is that it can offer a more efficient way to provide feedback to students’ work. Teaching is one of the few jobs that you can’t just clock out of. Teaching is a job around the clock so I am going to use Canva to help me be as efficient as possible. Another way that Canva can be used is to make an Eportfolio. From what I heard from people in the field and my professors, developing Eportfolios is the new wave that they are hiring. Knowing this, it is important that I keep my ear open for tools like Canva (which is free for teachers) to help me develop these Eportfolios.

For students Canva offers a unique ability for collaboration and creation with their peers. Not only that but Canva allows students to learn how to make infographics, posters and videos. There are more options for students to experiment how to use properly which not only can benefit the students academically but also outside of school. This allows the learners to use their creativity by allowing them to explore ways to show their own learning in their own personalized way. When the teachers use Canva it can offer more engaging lessons that integrate different learning styles that support all students. Another reason to use Canva is that it is available to everyone including students. Some types of tools like Canva aren’t free for students which directly affects the ability for students to use it. 

I personally feel like using programs like Canva should be integrated into education. I don’t feel this way about all AI but there are definitely good resources out there. When educators use programs like Canva to support their teaching both the educator and students benefit from it. I look at programs such as Canva like a textbook. When used properly there is no real downside. When you use any resource too much that’s where it can become a possible problem.

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