I believe it is extremely hard to reflect on our changed world because of how quickly technology is changing and adapting. We are living in a time where everything is new and improving. I think of a phone for instance, if you have a phone that came out more than five years ago it is seen as an old piece of technology. The new technology isn’t seen as a luxury anymore and more of a need. I’m trying to think of someone who doesn’t have a phone, computer or television. Most people I know have all three of these technologies. This then pushes people to get involved in creating social media accounts, upload things on social media which can be recreational, or to help them in their careers. I have peers that created social media pages to help their business by using it as an advertisement to reach new potential customers and clients. Technology is also being used as a tool to help get jobs. An example of this is making an online portfolio for a teaching career that you will be able to use to help get employed as a teacher. When looking at how people are active in their participation in using social media for fun. You get to interact with more people than you could ever imagine by a touch of a button.
What does this mean for the future classrooms?
For future classrooms I believe one of the most important things is making sure that young students know safety online. Like I talked about in this blog already, you can interact with more people than you can imagine. It is important that students know the world that they are living in and how they can protect themselves. With that being said I think it is important for students to be better prepared with tools that can be used to help them during their time in school and help them outside of school. In order for us teachers to do this I believe we need to take advantage of different training opportunities when it comes to new technology. We need to stay up to date with the rapidly improving technologies and relay the information we learn to our students. I believe we should be preparing our students for life outside of school, and with how new technologies are becoming available it’s only in our students best interest that they should know how to utilize and use these new technologies.
What does it mean for schools in general
For schools I believe there needs to be more of an emphasis in being able to use these new technologies. I have already seen that utilizing tools such as google classroom to make the class more tech based has been beneficial to students. I think that if we bring in more options for teachers it can help students with different learning styles have success within the classroom. I think there will be more of a focus for schools to try to build more technology fluent students. This will help those going to get further education and students that decide to work after highschool graduation by giving them more tools to use.
How might we rethink the idea of schooling and education in our networked, participatory, and digital world?
I am of the idea that our schooling needs to buy into our networked, participatory, and digital world. I believe this because as we teach them they will pick up on how to be safe online. I am not saying whatsoever that students need their phones in class. I think phones are a distraction in the class and in the outside world. I think that in the health curriculum there needs to be more of an emphasis for healthy lifestyles and this includes screen time. With the world we are living in we can’t just turn a blind eye to what technology is used for and how it can impact people’s lives. Students will need these tools in the real world.
How can we balance the challenges of our new digital reality with the possibilities that it offers?
I believe it is important for schools to offer technologies that can be useful in the classroom. Students love the ability to use technology in their own learning and to demonstrate their own learning by using technology. As teachers we need clear expectations and rules about the use of technology for not only the students but also the parents of the students so they are up to date.