I was placed at Thomson Community School for my pre-internship in a kindergarten classroom. This experience provided me with so much growth as a teacher. My cooperating teacher was excellent and guided me through my pre-internship positively and encouragingly. I have only done my eight days over eight weeks portion, and I’m excited to go back in March for my three-week block.
Day 2:
Roll a Monster – Practice counting and number recognition up to 6. Use the numbers on the board to help practice writing numbers. Use the numbers to match them to the materials (ex. number one is feathers).

Day 3:
Alphabet painting – after watching a video on letters, the students practice tracing their letters on paper with paint and a q-tip.

Day 4:
Create a pumpkin – after learning a pumpkin poem, the students were given a felt pumpkin to decorate. Students cut out shapes for the stem, the seeds, and a face to create a jack-o-lantern (if wanted). This was a great activity for fine motor skills. They were connecting what we sang in the poem to their created pumpkins.

Day 5:
Rainbow fish – We read the book The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister; we talked about the idea of sharing and being kind to our friends; and how the story shows Rainbow Fish being kind by sharing his scales. Students decorated their fish with small pieces of paper, and each received on the shiny scale.

Day 6:
Colour by Numbers – There was a blizzard happening today, and only a small number of students showed up to school. Instead of doing my lesson plan, I taught the students how to colour by number, which is an excellent introduction to my next lesson.
Day 7:
Number Clouds – Students created rain coming from the clouds with pipe cleaners and beads. The students worked on number recognition by matching the number of beads to the clouds.

Day 8:
Name Snowmen – After reading a snowman book, students were given circled paper (snowballs), one for each letter of their name plus ahead. They glued their snowmen together and added a face and a hat. After the students glued the snowman on blue paper glued the snowman, students wrote their names in the snowballs – one letter in each circle, practicing their letters and their names.