Pre-Internship 3-week block

My three-week block in March at Thomson Community School was amazing. It was a great experience and I learned a lot about what teaching styles work best for me with the two groups I had.  Throughout the three weeks at Thomspon school, I taught kindergarten math and literacy.


Lesson 1:

Number Wall – Created a number wall from one to ten. Each student had the opportunity to draw a number, write the number and count out the number in buttons.  The numbers were posted in the class for the students to see.

Lesson 2:

Counting in Cree – We All Count by Julie Flett, throughout this book we looked at English and Cree numbers up to ten. The first number we looked at and learned this class was on (pêyak). Students practice saying the word and writing numbers.

Lesson 3:

The Very Hungry Caterpillar – reviewing the number one in Cree (pêyak) and we learned the number two in Cree (nīso). After going over number two we read The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Students were given a caterpillar worksheet with finger paint, students dotted the same number of dots as the number before the caterpillar’s face creating their own caterpillars.

Lesson 4:

Number Caterpillar – Reviewed numbers one and two in Cree. Then introduce number three in Cree (nisto). Then reviewed numbers one to ten and had students count out loud as a group. Students were then given a number from one to fifteen (as there are 15 students in both kindergarten classes).  Each student receive a circle with a number on it; we counted together and had the students come up and place their number on the board and form a caterpillar. The next time we played students had to pay attention and post their circle on the board when their number is next.

Lesson 5:

Subitizing – started the lesson by reviewing numbers one, two and three in Cree. Then introducing number four in Cree (newo). This lesson focused on subitizing numbers one to five. Began playing a game to fill the leprechaun pot with gold. Students will roll a giant and die and have to subitize the number and cover that number on the poster with a gold coin.  After the activity students played subitizing bingo. I will show a card with dots from 1-5 and students will subitize and cover that number.


Lesson 1:

Letter U Unicorns – Reviewed the letter U from the day before, going over how to write the letter and the sound it makes. Students then participated in a scavenger hunt finding all the U’s in the classroom. Students then created unicorns out of the letter U. After making their unicorns, we listened to a story about unicorns,

Lesson 2:

Letter F – Students watched a video on the letter F, learning how to write the letter F and the sound the letter F makes. I drew the letter F on the board and had students help me write the letter properly. Students then named two items that began with the letter F.  Students then wrote the letter and drew and label the picture in their alphabet booklet.

Lesson 3:

Letter J – Students watched a video on the letter J, how to write the letter J and the sound-the letter J makes. I drew the letter F on the board and had students help me write the letter properly. Students then named two items that began with the letter J.  Students then wrote the letter and drew and label the picture in their alphabet booklet.

Lesson 4:

Letter J Jellyfish – Reviewed the letter J from the day before, watching a new video on the letter J. Students then make Jellyfish out of the letter J.  After making the Jellyfishes, the lesson finished with students doing the Jellyfish dance.

Lesson 5:

Rhyming words – Began by describing rhyming words and asking students to name some rhyming words they know. Then we read Rhyming Dust Bunnies by Jan Thomas and stop to find the rhyming words in the book and we looked at the words that don’t rhyme. After reading the book I ask the students to tell me some rhyming words and wrote them on the board. Students then created their own rhyming dust bunnies.