Throughout my life, I have been an active member of my school and community.
Listed below are key organizations and activities I have been a part of, many of which influenced me to become an educator.

CHUMS is a local mentorship program managed through my high school. As a Senior CHUM, I volunteered once a week to mentor children aged 6-10 who were in need of positive role models. In CHUMS, I helped to resolve conflicts and guide the Junior CHUMS. I built strong relationships with the Junior CHUMS. I am very proud of my involvement in the program and the relationships I built over the three years I was involved.

Classroom Assistant
During grade eleven, I volunteered in a grade eight math class twice a week to help students with their assigned work. I worked with students who needed additional assistance with their classwork one-on-one, and I also worked with small groups of students. I had to adapt instructions to each student’s needs and assisted with classroom tasks.

Math Tutor
During grade twelve, I tutored students of different grade levels in math. I met with students once a week to assist with homework problems, practice for assessments, and provide one on one explanations of the classroom lessons.

School Community Council
I was asked by the principal of my school to be a student representative on the School Community Council. I had the opportunity to communicate directly with community members about the school environment, school policy, and student life. I was involved in making decisions about fundraising and community events.