Growing through education

Category: Educational Philosophies

My Educational Philosophies

On this page, you will find my “I Believe…” statements and quotes that capture my educational philosophy.

I believe that education is a powerful tool that opens minds, encourages growth, and empowers the future. To me, education is about acceptance and inclusivity. True education is an education that challenges bias and promotes diversity. Education can, and should, look different for every student. As an educator, I strive to honour many ways of learning and knowing. Most importantly, I believe that life is education.

I continue to learn every day, and by learning I will evolve into a better person and teacher.

I Believe…

The following “I Believe…” statements encapsulate my teaching philosophy.

I Believe…

  • growth is the most important part of education
  • education must be inclusive
  • educators must be allies
  • there are many ways of learning and knowing
  • life is education

I’ve also included an image of my “I Believe…” list that has grown throughout my journey

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