The Final Post!!

I have come to the end of my maiden voyage into a social media/technology focused class. Way (well, maybe not that far) back in September, I expressed my ambivalence and some of my grievances and hesitancies towards social media and tech. While those still exist, I think it is fair to say my thinking and openness to these platforms is evolving and expanding. I must give props to both my classmates and to our professor, Alec Couros. This was my eighth Masters course, and I really appreciated Alec’s approach to the class. He allowed us to embark on our own journeys, allowing us to make our learning meaningful and engaging. I am hoping to get into Alec’s class in the Winter semester of 2022. I am currently stuck at #3 on the waitlist. Here’s hoping I move up and secure a spot in the next few weeks.

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Summary of Learning

EC&I 831 has taken me on a valuable learning journey. It was a journey that took me outside of my comfort zone into a world that I am uncomfortable with and hesitant to fully enter. With an open mind, I entered and had my thinking challenged and expanded. I have emerged with many questions, but also with a renewed mindset for how to adapt my teaching practices to include social media, open education, and technology.

Thank you to those who have come along and taken this journey with me. There are so many great educators doing so many great things in their classrooms. Your knowledge, creativity, dedication, and support of other professionals is important as we continue to shape the future of education.

Please enjoy my Summary of Learning.

Project Update – Cut the Strings!!

Over the past two weeks, I have cut the strings on using the myfitnesspal app to count my calories. While counting calories using this app has been very effective on my weight loss journey, I know that I can’t rely on the tool forever. I decided to try a couple weeks without counting calories to see if I continued to lose weight, and hence learn if I have formed healthier habits of portion control and caloric balance.

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Myfitnesspal Thoughts…So Far

I have been using the myfitnesspal app as the main platform for my project. Its main purpose is to track caloric intake and expenditure. Being three weeks into using the app, I thought this would be a good time to give my initial thoughts on strengths and weaknesses of the platform. Hopefully this will be useful information for anyone considering using this type of app.

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Week Three Report

It’s Monday evening, so that means there was a weigh in earlier this morning. Contrary to others on weight loss journeys, I look forward to these moments. Maybe that is because the scale has shown me numbers that I want to see so far. This morning it showed me 187.6lbs!! Down 1.9lbs for the week and 6.5lbs overall. The myfitnesspal app tells me that is 71% of my goal (however, I think that goal is going to change).

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Week Two Report

Two weeks in the books and things continue to head in the proper direction: down! During my first week I was weighing myself every morning. I decided this was not a smart practice as daily fluctuations could set me up for disappointment. I am now weighing myself on Monday mornings.

The scale read 189.5lbs this morning! Down 3.1lbs for the week and 4.6lbs overall. I have a feeling some of the weight this week was water weight. However, I am happy that I continue to move in the right direction.

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Week One Report

Well, week one is in the books and I’m willing to call it a success. I’m actually fairly surprised at how easy it was to eliminate snacking and unhealthy food from my diet (although Sunday was a little bit of a cheat day).

My daily caloric intake goal to lose a pound a week is 2, 120 calories per day, or 14, 840/week. This week I consumed 11, 998 calories.

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Day 1

Day 1 is in the books!

My starting weight is 194.1 lbs. I will get some neck, waist, and hip measurements tomorrow. I have the myfitnesspal app programmed to lose 1 pound per week. This translates to eating 2120 calories per day, and expending 1280 calories per week.

Today I consumed 1612 calories and burned 462 calories stationary biking. At this rate I am going to run out of energy very quickly. I have learned already that I can eat more than I ate today. There is no doubt that I will burn way more than 1280 calories per week through exercise. That number will be over 2000 for sure, not including the walking and working out I do with the kids daily at school.

I feel good about my day (except for being hungry and craving junk food haha). I feel that I am off to a good start!

The Plan

I begin my personal wellness project tomorrow, and I have to say I am actually quite excited about it. In the next two-three months I hope to establish some new lifestyle habits that will improve my quality of living. While one of my goals is to lose 8-10 pounds, my main focus is on improving my eating habits.

The myfitnesspal site/app seems to be a pretty slick tool. Both the food and exercise sections have a full library of foods and activities that simply allow you to select and add them to your daily lists. It calculates caloric intakes and expenditures for daily and weekly periods. It also generates daily caloric intake targets and weekly expenditure targets to assist you in meeting your pre-determined goals.

My nutrition goals are to eat more fruits and vegetables, focus on portion control, and reduce the amount of snacking that I do, which will in turn help me reduce the number of sugary foods that I eat. My diet as it currently is is not really that bad, but replacing morning cereal with fruit, yogurt, and granola is one simple way to improve it. Also, bringing only healthy food to school for lunch and snacks will force me to eat healthy during the day. Night will be my most challenging time as it is when I snack most often. Not buying snack foods, and sheer will power will have to get me through the evenings.

I have always been very active and diligent with my exercise habits. Work, completing my masters, and a two-year-old have made that more difficult. This project will force me to workout diligently to ensure that I am meeting my weekly caloric expenditure goals. The exercise routine that I envision is:

Sunday – muscular strength

Monday – aerobic

Tuesday – rest day

Wednesday – muscular strength

Thursday – yoga

Friday – aerobic

Saturday – aerobic

Aerobic exercises will consist of mainly running as long as the weather allows, along with stationary cycling. Muscular strength exercises will be mainly body weight and abdominal workouts. Yoga is something that will be new to me, but I think I will experience the most significant gains from it. I hope it helps my strength and flexibility. I plan to use some virtual workouts through youtube and other apps for many of my workouts. I will post them as I use them.

As tomorrow is my first official day, I will be posting my baseline stats and my progress for the day.