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    Discussion #3

    Being a millennial, growing up in my generation has put us in the situation where we had an extensive understanding of what a man “should” look like or what a woman “should” look like. We also grew up in a time where it was learnt later on that there are people in our lives that love women, men, or both regardless of our genders. In university, we are now learning more prominently about how gender actually works in our society today and trying to disassociate it with what we had been taught about the subject throughout our childhoods. Some of the narratives we tend to apply to society would be…

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    Growing up, I was always very close with my dad doing all of the things he loved to do, together. I used to go on motorcycle rides, I was a competitive weight lifter, and was always shown that just because I had a pink fairy room, did not mean I couldn’t get my hands dirty in the garage or do typically male gendered activities.  When I was in highschool, I decided I wanted to play a sport in ninth grade. I had watched from afar how intense the football team practiced, how much they ran at the end of a long day and how hard they worked. I wanted to…

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    Free Breakfast

    Third grade, the bell chimes letting everyone know that it is time for recess. My name gets called close to last to leave so I get up from my seat and run to my locker to swap out my indoor shoes for my outdoor ones. I head out of  the classroom door and see children absolutely crowded around a teacher holding a platter. When I finally got through the crowd of children I quickly realized I was one of few children in my class to not receive one of the breakfast muffins or small pancakes that were being doled out. I was an angry 8 year old. I felt left…