Field Experiences

Fall 2021

This fall, I was lucky enough to be able to experience the middle school classroom setting at Melville Comprehensive School in Melville, SK. This field experience was nothing but eye opening for me. It provided me with insight to what teacher life actually looks like, along with allowing me to gain practical experience teaching.

My classroom for my first placement this past fall.
(permission was granted for photo use)

Click the links down below for some of the lesson plans I completed and taught this past semester, along with the feedback for to of my professional development plans.

Lesson Plans

Professional Development Plans

Fall 2020

Unfortunately due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this semester I was unable to go into any schools for a field placement. When it is safe to do so, I look forward to updating this page with my in person classroom experiences.

Fortunately, I was provided the opportunity to explore different local independent schools and learn some lesson planning this semester to kick start my training towards being a teacher! Here is a link to the independent school I researched this semester: