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ECS 101: Becoming a Teacher “Are we teachers 24/7? What does it mean to be professional?”

When you join the profession of teaching you become potentially someones safe adult. You become the person students can come to for help in many more ways then just the subject you are teaching them. You become their support, the students will look to you for guidance as they go through the education system. Being the person that children know they can turn to does not clock out at 3:30 when the bell rings. You are a teacher 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

The commitment to standards practice number 2 stood out to me most. “To strive to meet the diverse needs of students by designing the most appropriate learning experiences for them.”  Throughout my middle years into high school, I struggled immensely with specific teaching styles and my grades reflected it. I always did better in classes that were more interactive as apposed to just siting and listening, I really enjoyed voicing my opinion and feel it helps me understand the content. I really respect this commitment the STF has laid out, as all students are unique and will learn in different ways! This commitment gives teachers more of a handle on how they want to structure their class for success.

“To work with colleagues in mutually supportive ways and develop effective professional relationships with members of the educational community.” I chose this quote because I love the idea of working in a space where everyone is dedicated to the same “big picture”. By having teachers that want to teach and see students succeed will really enhance the students view on learning and encourage them to go further in their education.

What do you think is expected of you as a student in the Faculty of Education?

The faculty wants to raise you to be an independent professional, that is equipped with the tools to create a positive view of the profession of teaching for yourself and the community. The faculty wants you to learn how to be the type of person that can bring out the best in others while ensuring you are getting quality training that will take you places to help spread the knowledge gained through your degree. 

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