Lesson Plans

Lesson Reflection: I really liked how this lesson turned out. I felt like it gave the students an analysis of the roles of their family members, alongside this it made them have a clear understanding of the impact of their actions regarding their responsibilities in their homes. The slide show was colourful and creative keeping them engaged in the topic. The activity was really good for encouraging critical thinking in response to the definitions of family roles while webbing out their family.  The only thing I would have changed was in the planning of explanation for the activity for split families (ex. to define to add all the family members/people that are important to them/in their household into the main web to refrain from them feeling like they’re doing double work because of their home situation with creating two different webs). 

Lesson Reflection: I feel that this lesson went over well with the students. They seemed very engaged in the fill in the blank activity by following along and properly completing the notes. From there, I should have refined the search for comparisons between the Indigenous peoples and the Ancient Egyptian pharaohs to make the activity simpler to research. During the fill in the blanks I should have emphasized the words that fill the blanks to make it easier for the students to remember the words to write. This lesson made me feel very accomplished as I was able to get the most challenging student in the class to engage and complete some parts of the lesson.