The Baby Steps in my Ribbon Skirt Project!
Hello again everybody! I finally took another step in my ribbon skirt project! I went out to our local Fabricland and got some materials, I also took some measurements of my first model for reference!
Now, a fabric store can be a quite overwhelming place if you are a first timer like me. Immediately when I walked into the store I was taken aback over how many different fabric options there are, so I decided to do a little browsing.
I also had to go onto my phone and find out what type of fabric would be best for my ribbon skirts. I knew they would be pricey but I was blown away by the price of the regular price cotton fabrics. I ventured my way right into the clearance section where I was able to find exactly what I was looking for. I also picked up a couple other things that I will need such as pins, elastic band, and a tape measurer.
I allowed my daughter to choose her own fabric, she was determined to get the rainbow cheetah print fabric however it was just slightly our of budget for a beginner like myself. Instead she found a really nice rainbow fabric in the clearance section as well.
Upon arriving at home, I decided to get to work. So I took some measurements of my very adorable model.
So here I am measuring her waist, and then her belly button to the floor, which coincidentally are the exact same size. This will make remembering the measurements much easier!
Next steps will be to cut the fabrics into the appropriate pattern and choose ribbons for her skirt! What ribbon colours do you think will go best with her chosen fabric?
Fabric is so expensive! I mean… I haven’t bought any since before Covid, but I can’t even imagine how much the price has increased. Always got to love the clearance section! Also, I remember elastic bands being difficult to deal with the last time I sewed something that required one, but maybe that was due to the fact that I was a teenager just learning how to sew. Good luck with that! Since the rainbow on the pattern is missing the colour purple, I would suggest that for the ribbon colour if you want to complete the rainbow. Good luck with sewing!
Hi Christen,
Great to hear and see that you’re making progress on your ribbon skirt project!
I absolutely love that your daughter got to pick her own fabric, even if the rainbow cheetah print was a bit pricey. Good luck with the next steps!,
I cannot believe how expensive fabric can be, I mean I went to get fabric to make my daughter a blanket and was so shocked at how much it has gone up. The clearance section is a great spot to look for better-priced fabric! I cant wait to see the final piece you make!
It sucks how everything can be expensive. its almost like they don’t want people to make their own clothes. I hope it all works out Ribbon skirts are very beautiful