It’s The Final Countdown!
Wow! I can hardly believe this learning project is over, it’s been a great few months learning something new! While I may be done blogging about it, I plan on continuing my skirt-making. Not only is it a huge part of who I am and my culture, but this journey has also been incredibly difficult.…
GRWM While I Discuss my Learning Journey!
So I actually decided to do a TikTok video, get ready with me style. I had some technical difficulties with clipping the videos, so do your best to follow along! But here she is: Final Learning Journey Video Thanks so much for being apart of my learning journey!
Classmates, Can You Vouge for Me?
Throughout this class, I’ve done so much to contribute to my classmates’ learning. I’ve decided to make a list of all the ways I supported other learners throughout this class: I didn’t miss any of the Zoom meetings. I actively participated in class discussions. I spoke up in the breakout rooms. I listened to what…
Did I Make a Mistake?
Since creating my first ribbon skirt for my 3-year-old daughter, I have been in a bit of a pickle. I don’t want my content to be repetitive and once I finished a skirt, doing more would likely be the same process, so I think I may have made a mistake in my choice for my…