In ECS 311 we have had many discussions about differentiated learning and the importance of adapting instructional strategies to ensure all our different learners are being accounted for and given the opportunity to learn how they learn best.
One activity we did was discuss how students can be divided into categories of types of learners such as:
Beach Balls
After learning the differences between these types of learners we then divided ourselves up into the group we best identified with. In our smaller group we were then given the task to come up with a list of how we learn best.
Here is a photo of those of us who identify as beach balls!
Using Gardner’s Multiple Intelligence’s quiz, everyone in our class found out what percentage of each type of intelligence we are. My highest was the Naturalistic Intelligence and the second highest was Interpersonal Intelligence. This could be a fun quiz students do to find out what they are best at and would be a fantastic way to incorporate strength based learning into the classroom because it allows students to find out and focus on what they are best at. The link to the quiz is below.