Differentiated Learning Strategies


  • Get to know students and how they learn.
  • Multiple Intelligence quiz
  • Share struggles with students – everyone is good and bad at different things.

Beneficial Learning Environment

  • Area without distractions.
  • Provide different seating options: stand-up desks, rocking chair, ball chair.
  • Encourage students to learn in culturally relevant ways.
  • Provide information in both print and visual that reflects their culture.
  • Model how to be organized to encourage students to practice organization skills.

Adapted Instructions

  • Provide options for lessons to be recorded.
  • Increase wait time after questions – providing more time to reflect or discuss.
  • Always pre-teach vocabulary.
  • Include body breaks during lessons.
  • Offer individual feedback for each student.



  • Give students choice and vary assessment.
  • Offer individual feedback for each student.
  • Use daily small assessments.
  • Involve families to make a plan that accurately supports student.