Category: EC&I 832: Digital Citizenship and Literacy

Summary of Learning, and Major Project Reveal

I am going to hit you with both of the final products in this one, so be prepared! To start: The Summary of Learning I have enjoyed this class, and the content, so much! As I mention in my video, it just feels so timely, and it was great...
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Digital Literacy in Schools

This week’s (or rather, week 10’s) focus was digital literacy in our schools, and the impact on schooling and students. In Andrea’s presentation, and I’ve linked to her blog here, she spoke a lot about the importance of really integrating technology into our classrooms, and one thing that she...
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Major Project: Exploring TikTok

I downloaded TikTok almost a month ago, and for the first two weeks, I think I logged in twice? Once I played with my user pic, and somehow ended up with an AI generated picture of me that didn’t actually look anything like me? And the second time I...
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To Use or Not to Use AI (and Tech)

When I was in Grade 11, my sister in first-year university, she had a professor that was posting his slides online, and he expected students to print them out to bring to lectures. Doesn’t sound overly crazy to us now, maybe, though people would probably have a personal device...
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Major Project: Exploring MagicSchool AI

I downloaded TikTok, and had every intention of starting there for this project, and then I had a colleague mention MagicSchool AI when I was discussing working on essay outlines with two of my classes and I ended up going down that rabbit hole first instead. It was already...
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Major Project Overview: Personal Journey into Media

In trying to get myself back on track, it is past time that I start tracking my major project progress. I have selected Option #2: The Personal Journey into Media. I debated between this one and the exploring generative AI option, but I got an email a week and...
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Imposter’s Syndrome

Do you know, this is my fifth course for my TLL Masters? Fifth course. Which means I’ve successfully completed four courses, and (assuming I make it to the end of this semester), I will shortly be half-way done. Add on top of that the fact that I have been...
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Digital Citizenship in Schools

This week’s topic of discussion is integrating digital citizenship into our classes, and I think the common thread that ran between all three videos was that we already are discussing a lot of issues that also tie into digital citizenship, so we’re not asking teachers to tag on a...
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Identity (Issues) in a Digital Age

Hey! So, this coming week is where Josh and I are kickstarting things as content catalysts. Before I get into this, can I just say that I’m not sure that I actually wanted to tackle this the first week of student-led presentations – I usually like to sit back...
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Generative AI

You know when you hear something that immediately puts your hackles up? And because of that reaction, you stop for a second and ask yourself why something can set you off so quickly? (or maybe you didn’t, and you’re just running with the hackles up – our dog likes...
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