Evidence of Treaty 4 Gathering participation

Virtual Field Trip Treaty 4 Gathering

  1. Plasticine Art Tutorial – Part 1
  2. K2 Cross training T4 Movement Challenge
  3. This is Treaty 4 Land
  4. Ojibwe/Saulteaux K-4 Language Revitalization

Highlight – (This is Treaty 4 Land and Ojibwe/Saulteaux K-4 Language Revitalization activities). From these two activities, I really enjoyed how it showed the importance of language and being able to practice and learn in one’s own language. The video showed Grade 1 students saying the same phrase in their home language and the Ojibwe/Saulteaux K-4 Language website has children’s audiobooks teaching Ojibwe language alongside English to provide a learning opportunity to learn this language. 

Ideas for teaching – Providing resources (text, books, audiobooks, etc.) with multiple languages alongside the English text to provide students with better learning experiences and opportunities. This will also help with better representing your students, along with creating a sense of belonging.