I Believe Statements…
I believe that every student has a right to education.
I believe that every student learns differently and has different needs.
I believe that teachers are role models and can greatly affect a student’s life.
I believe that classrooms need to be inclusive to everyone, no matter the race, religion, culture, language, or sexuality.
I believe that every student deserves to be heard.
I believe every student should feel welcome and accepted in the classroom.
I believe the classroom should represent all students, it’s ‘our’ classroom not ‘mine’.
I believe every student should be treated with equity.
I believe every student should be stood up for.
I believe every student deserves another chance.
I believe that positive relationships with students make all the difference.
I believe students learn better when they are engaged and excited about the lesson.
I believe teachers affect how students feel about a lesson by how they present it.
I believe we all have a part to play in the Journey to Truth and Reconciliation.