Journey to Truth and Reconciliation

For my aesthetic piece I decided to draw the 7 sacred teachings. I believe that you need each of these teachings on the journey to reconciliation. As the Indigenous people see everything as being interconnected, I seen my learnings from this semester in the 7 teachings. We need to respect the Indigenous people and show them kindness and love. We need to have the courage to stand up for them and to be honest with ourselves about what happened, then have the humility to say we were wrong. Share our wisdom about what was done in the past and create a better future with the truth.
In my art piece you can see the turtle carries the 6 other teachings, which is what First Nation Elder Dave Courchene talked about in the video we had to watch for class “Our 7 Ojibway Teachings”. The grandmother turtle carries these other teachings because you need all of them to have the teaching of truth.
SagkeengCFS. (2014). “Our 7 Ojibway Teachings:”. Retrieved from Our 7 Ojibway Teachings: – Yo