Treaty 4 Gathering Experience

    As I begin my third year in school I find myself starting to look for more resources that I can one day use in my future classroom. The Ojibwe/Saulteaux Revitalization books are one of the resources that I will keep in my back pocket. I always thought it would be nice to try and teach my students a little bit of an Indigenous language, however, as I do not know much myself that can be quite hard, these books provide an easy way for my students and I to learn.

   An Aha moment came to me when I was listening to Sara Solvey’s “Treaty Entanglements”. She worked with some participants to talk about Treaties and one participant said, “history can change, it’s the past that doesn’t.” What this means is that history is told by one side first, but they’re always two sides to every story. History changes when more perspectives are added to it that weren’t previously considered. This can make history easier to handle because some believe that history is fact, but when we can get past that, we can help people learn the true history of Canada.



Ojibwe/Saulteaux K-4 Language Revitalization Books

Michael Lonechild Painting the Monarch Butterfly

Treaty Entanglements: Exploring the significance of Treaty understandings amongst preservice teachers by Sara Solvey – This one has a password but can be accessed on the Treaty 4 website under the Pre-Recorded/Online Activities – Treaty 4 Gathering Student Activities

Pesto from the Patch: Harvesting, cooking, and reducing food waste by Taletha Bennett