Am I a Blogger…. Again, these things are changing so fast! Post #7

Our world changes real fast.  I find it interesting how much technology has changed over time. With all the changes and the obsession of technology and social media makes it difficult at times in the classroom.  With the amount of time children are using technology it has created students who have little interest in anything that does not include technology.  I strongly believe students don’t have resiliency anymore and this is due to the instant gratification they get from the use of technology.  Students who are having difficulties with something haven’t learned the ability to continue trying until they can succeed. This is because they are able to pull out a cell phone or a computer and find the answers pretty much instantly.

With how fast technology is changing in the world.  I honestly feel at times its difficult to keep up with the interests of the students when it comes to technology.  I’ll explain, because there are so many different social media platforms and other forms of technology something that in the “in” on year has no validity the next.  Students are loosing interest at a faster rate as as educators we are having to almost stay one step ahead to continue keeping the interest of the students. For Example, when I was fresh out of high school some of the big social media platforms were Myspace, MSN Messenger, Hi5, and Facebook was just starting to become popular. In this example with the exception of Facebook (and this is not a thing of the past for the younger generations) none of these are either popular or cease to exist. This is something that making the abilities to network with other educators in the digital world a major positive.  I think of conversations had during this EDTC 300 class, numbers of us have learned, found, or gave examples of ways to engage our student in the classrooms using technology and also without.  The ability to share plans, units, ideas with other teachers is amazing.  The ability to find something and change and adapt it for your needs is something I bet teachers 25 years ago would never believe.

I don’t believe there will ever be a balance of our new digital reality and all the possibilities it offers.  I think that with how fast technology, social media, what the popular thing at the time changes so fast it will always be a catch up game by teacher.

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