Home Reno Blog #6, What Exactly Did I Do!

This week for my learning project post I am going to give a little description of what was involved in

creating my plans and blue prints for remodeling my kitchen.  The application I uased (which I had posted about previous) was SketchUp. Sketch up is a designing application where you use dimension of something to create a blue print or a design.  The first thing you will notice when you open up a new project on Sketch up is there is a random bearded man standing on the screen.  Yes, I know this sounds strange but there is a legitimate reason why this random bearded man is standing on your screen. The

 purpose of this random person on your screen is, when you are designed your project, this is an example of scale. For example, in my project I designed a kitchen.  had my kitchen roof not been tall enough this guy would not have fit in the room.

In the program there were a number of different icons you can click on that had different functions.  In the creation I made there were a handful off functions I used. I will explain what they were and how they worked.

– This icon was used to maneuver around the screen.  I used this icon the most when I moved from one design (old kitchen) to the new design (new kitchen).

– This icon was used to rotate the image.  If you were trying to change where a wall is placed or how deep a counter top needs to be, you would use this icon to look at the image from a different angle.

– This icon’s function was to create a 2-dimensional square or rectangle.


– This icon’s function is used to turn 2-dimenstional shapes into 3-dimenional shapes.  On the screen if you were to click on a shape while using this function and drag the shape.  this will give the shape a 3-dimensional look.

– This was the last of the primary icons I had used.  This was used to fill in color in the design.


There were a number of other functions I used but they were only used a single time or a couple of times.  For the most part I found this program was quite easy to use.  I did find this difficult on a laptop, only using the track pad to design.  When I used my mouse it made the job much easier.  I would recommend this for anyone beginning to learn designing or drafting.

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