As EDTC 300 comes to a close, I need to reflect on how I’ve contributed to others’ learning, and boy, am I happy I listened to Katia’s advice to screenshot/document each time I commented on Discord or a classmate’s blog post.
Discord Chat Interactions
With such a quick class (6 weeks as opposed to 4 months) and many students, I found that many questions were already answered before I had the time to answer them myself.
Blog Post Comments
I aimed to comment on five blog posts per week. I found it interesting to see what other students were doing and learn different concepts I hadn’t researched.
I did have a few times on Discord when I asked a question, and there was no response. I don’t know if anyone knew the answer to my question regarding Screencastify, which is why no one answered. The other question I asked was if someone wanted to be cybersleuth partners. I’m going to go with everyone was scared of my sleuthing abilities.
Hi Dayna,
I found that I had the same problem with discord, if I could go back in time I would always leave my ringer on! Enjoy your summer!
It’s tricky but at the same time not always wanting to be on your phone, like we discussed regarding screen time. Hope you get some relax time this summer!
Hello Dayna,
I love the added slideshows within your post. It adds a nice touch and is a neat way to display your engagement with other classmates. After receiving your guidance on creating a slideshow feature, I successfully added one to my post too. I appreciate you sharing the technique. Learning new methods within WordPress is always fun.
Awesome, I’m glad you got it to work! Have a great summer!!