Instructional Strategies

~This page is still being developed as I learn more strategies and have the chance to see how they are implemented in a classroom.~


An instructional strategy I value a lot is the Inquiry method. I was introduced to this method in the class EAE 202 at the UofR. While learning about this method I became aware of how important It is to encourage students to be inquisitive so that they see their education as a personal experience that they have a choice in. Additionally, allowing students to learn about topics of their choice especially early into their educational journey promotes lifelong learners who find joy in seeking knowledge.

In EAE 202 I was instructed to create an inquiry unit outline which I will link below as an example of how I would use inquiry in the arts.–OaRXxO9j_sFoqBCx7rLiM8/edit#heading=h.av8w7z4shcim