Category: ECS 203 Blog Posts

ECS 203 Blog Post #6

Using Gale’s lecture, Poirier’s article, and Bear’s article, identify at least three ways in which Inuit mathematics challenge Eurocentric ideas about the purpose of mathematics and the way we learn it. Learning Mathematics can go one of two ways; you either get it or do not. The Inuit ways of approaching mathematics differ from the…

By Eden Wells June 15, 2023 1

ECS 203 Blog Post #5

What is the purpose of teaching Treaty Ed (specifically) or First Nations, Metis, and Inuit (FNMI) Content and Perspectives (generally) where there are few or no First Nations, Metis, Inuit peoples? Whats does it mean for your understanding of curriculum that “We are all treaty people”? Throughout my schooling, Treaty Education was extremely overlooked. I…

By Eden Wells June 8, 2023 1

ECS 203 Blog Post #4

Provide a brief summary of your understanding of the three learning theories introduced in the readings (behaviourism, cognitivism, and constructivism). How can you connect these learning theories with the models of curriculum (product, process, and praxis in particular) that we have discussed? What learning theories did you see reflected in your own school experiences? Teaching…

By Eden Wells June 1, 2023 1

ECS 203 Blog Post 3

According to the Levin article, how are school curricula developed and implemented? What new information/perspective does this reading provide about the development and implementation of school curriculum? Is there anything that surprises you or maybe that concerns you? According to the Levin article, schools’ curricula are influenced by more than just educators themselves. The curriculum…

By Eden Wells May 25, 2023 1

Blog Post # 2

What Does it Mean to be a “good” Student According to the Commonsense? According to the definition of common sense, a good student is someone who can listen, perform, and behave well. These students should have the capability of staying focused during lessons and lectures. They should understand how to take the methods learned from…

By Eden Wells May 17, 2023 1

ECS 203 Blog Post 1

How does Kumashiro define ‘commonsense?’ Why is it so important to pay attention to the ‘commonsense? Kumashario defines common sense as what is seen as “normal” or “consistent” within a particular society. I say society because what seemed like common sense for Kumahario differed from the Nepali people. The students only wanted to learn material…

By Eden Wells May 9, 2023 2