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Author: Elizabeth Head

First Nations woman and Cree speaker
Coding games

Coding games

I played Maps, and it’s a coding games that involves moving a transportation machine from Point A to B, or A to B to C. I don’t know if the turns and stops include a checkpoint (haha) but anyways… it was easy at first but I’m stuck at a level already. It was easy when it didn’t involve altitudes and what not, I couldn’t get my plane to land at Mount Everest and I’m having a tough time. My screen…

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Cyber safety what?

Cyber safety what?

My school didn’t do anything towards cyber safety, it mainly focused towards mental health and suicide. I remember being there was youth conferences focusing towards kindness to self and others, and focusing on mental health and suicide awareness. There was a high rate of suicide/suicide attempts going on in Indigenous communities, unfortunately it still is. This was a time of computers were happening and online bullying came along with it, but there was nothing done about online bullying because tech…

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Teaching in the classroom is changing

Teaching in the classroom is changing

The world of classroom is changing. Hardly the whiteboard/chalkboard is barely used, usually it tends to be used for children in their free time when they’re done their work assignments and get asked to play quietly. I’ve previously mentioned that I worked with highschool only, where they used Chromebooks to place their assignments on Google Classrooms; which is similar to how it is with university online classes and that’s why I was aware of the changes. What I didn’t notice…

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Post #2 Exploring a resource tool

Post #2 Exploring a resource tool

I reviewed the Canva app as a resource tool for classroom settings. I didn’t know where to start so I browsed other websites before choosing Canva. I wanted to add a lesson plan to my website blog, so I explored Docs, and it worked just like Microsoft Word except that the pages don’t split. I used this video to guide me towards a bit of understanding. Although I didn’t use the font or anything different but adding the video was…

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Post #1

Post #1

Given the significant role that technology now plays in our day to day lives, it’s crucial to understand how that technology influences our daily routines, both personally and academically. For this blog post, take a moment to consider your daily tech habits. You might consider any or all of the following questions: What websites, apps, or online platforms do you use most frequently in your daily life? Are these tools related to your academic pursuits, or are they primarily for…

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Crocheting? It’s a bit unraveling.

Crocheting? It’s a bit unraveling.

*Ba-dum tss* Bad news. So, I lost a crochet tool and it was becoming my favorite tool! I had to use the metal ones I was trying to save for the next crochet project but this was also taking quite long. So, here’s a start. I don’t know how many times I repeated for the arms this time, it made me unravel my yarn over and over again. I tried to start on the four rows of brown on my…

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Three feet

Three feet

I went to Dollar Tree to buy crochet items. My mind totally went blank went I got there! I didn’t know what to buy so I grabbed a bunch of random things that would hopefully work out. I bought two colors of acrylic yarn (I thought of my newborn niece and nephew so I bought magenta and teal), two crochet tools (5.0 mm and 5.5 mm) and a “crochet/amigurumi animal kit.” (I linked the definition of it). I start on…

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