Grade 5 Mathematics Christmas Lesson

Grade 5 Mathematics Lesson Plan


Grade: 5


Subject: Mathematics 

Content: In this lesson, students will be exploring the concepts of “greater than”, “less than”, and “equal to”. The pre-intern will teach the grade five students this lesson using both guided practice and independent practice. The pre-intern will begin by teaching the concepts to the class and then exploring examples as a class. The students will then work independently on the two worksheets. The first worksheet will have the students count Christmas items and determine which box has a greater, less than, or equal amount of objects. The second worksheet will have the students determine which Christmas present costs more using the greater than, less than, or equal to symbols. 

N5.6 -Demonstrate understanding of decimals to thousandths by:

  • describing and representing
  • relating to fractions
  • comparing and ordering.

Indicator : 

(c) -Recognize and generate equivalent forms (decimal or fraction) of fractions and decimals found in situations relevant to one’s life, family, or community.

(e) Describe the quantity represented by each digit in a given decimal.

Prerequisite Learning:

  • Students will need to be able to count up to 31.
  • Students will need to be able to count objects.
  • Students will need to know what the terms “greater than”, “less than”, and “equal to” mean.
  • Students will need to have a basic understanding of money.

  • One of each worksheet for each student 
  • One pencil for each student to write with
  • Students can use counters to count if they prefer tactile learning over visual learning

Advanced Preparation

  • The pre-intern will have to have both sets of worksheets printed off prior to the lesson (one for each student)


  • The lesson will begin by the pre-intern explaining that today students will be learning about the terms “greater than”, “less than”, and “equal to”, and apply them to math.
  • The pre-intern will then lead a class discussion and ask the students what the terms  “greater than”, “less than”, and “equal to” mean. The pre-intern will ask students to volunteer their answers. 
  • The pre-intern will then play the video: 
    • This video is a greater than, less than, or equal to song
    • Stop the video at 02:25


  • The pre-intern will then go over examples as a class about the symbols greater than, less than, or equal to by having the students compare objects and numbers with decimals.
    • 2 < 3
    • 5 > 1
    • 10 = 10
    • $8.50 < $10.75
    • $3.99 > $1.99
  • The pre-intern will then have the students grab their whiteboards and the pre-intern will write a question on the board and the students will have to put the answer on their whiteboard. 
    • 3 circles > 2 circles
    • 4 triangles < 6 triangles
    • $5.99 < $10.99
    • $15.99 = $15.99
    • $20.99 > $20.89
  • The pre-intern will then hand out the two Christmas worksheets for students to begin to work on. The pre-intern will circulate around the classroom answering students’ questions.


  • When the students have completed their two worksheets, they can hand-in their worksheets and begin the Christmas math worksheets that the other pre-intern has prepared.